The internal complexity of the Motoman SK6

Aug 19, 2014

The Motoman SK6 robot is a handling robot that brings greater productivity on your production line. The parts of the SK6 robot, such as the speed reducer, the drive unit, the servo motor, the wrist unit, and the internal wiring, all work together to create a seamless system. has all of these robots and parts in stock to help bring your production line greater speeds and overall productivity.


The Motoman SK6 robot is one of the Motoman han­dling robots that can work with a vari­ety of dif­fer­ent mate­ri­als. Like many oth­er robots in the Motoman robot­ic line­up, this robot improves pro­duc­tiv­i­ty for man­u­fac­tur­ers because of the many parts that work togeth­er in the sys­tem. These parts are the speed reduc­ers, the dri­ve unit, the ser­vo motors, the wrist unit and the inter­nal wiring.

Unlike some oth­er mod­els in the Motoman line, the SK6 robot only has three reduc­ers, opposed to hav­ing one on every axis. These speed reduc­ers, part num­bers HW9280631‑A and HW9280632‑A, slow down the out­put from the motors on the S, L, U, and R axes, while increas­ing the torque to those motors.

The ser­vo­mo­tors in the S, L, U and R axes, part num­bers HW9380948‑A, HW9380949‑A and HW9380936‑A, are the motors that make the robot run. These motors help the robot arm func­tion much like a human arm, with six degrees of free­dom. The R‑axis dri­ve unit, HW9370833‑A, has a sim­i­lar func­tion, work­ing as a dri­ve train to the upper part of the robot arm.

The wrist unit, part num­ber HW9171174‑A, is an inte­gral part of the SK 6 robot from Motoman. The wrist unit is the place where the man­u­fac­tur­er will attach sev­er­al dif­fer­ent kinds of end effec­tors that can per­form dif­fer­ent mate­r­i­al han­dling tasks. With­out the wrist, this would not be possible.

Final­ly, the Motoman SK 6 has inter­nal wiring, part num­bers HW9170963‑A and HW9370827‑A, that con­nect the robot to the con­troller and the pow­er sup­ply, giv­ing the robot pow­er and instruc­tions to com­plete its functions.

Robots​.com, a cer­ti­fied inte­gra­tor for Motoman Robot­ics, is the place to call if you are look­ing for a new or used Motoman SK6 for your shop. Do you have a Motoman SK6 already that needs parts? We’re able to help you there too. Our part­ner­ship with Motoman gives us access to the entire Motoman catalog.

For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact Robots​.com today online or at 8777626881.

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