The internal workings of the Motoman SV3

Sep 26, 2013

The Motoman SV3XL is capable of welding and material handling. The SV3XL brings a long reach, speed reducers, and internal wiring to help reduce maintenance costs and improve the performance on the production line.


Like the Motoman SV3X, the Motoman SV3XL is a robot that is capa­ble of not only weld­ing or mate­r­i­al han­dling, but both. How­ev­er, the Motoman SV3XL is the long reach mod­el of the robot, which means that it has dif­fer­ent inter­nal work­ings than its sis­ter, the SV-3X. But, like her sis­ter robot, the SV3XL still runs by a sys­tem of motors, speed reduc­ers and inter­nal wiring.

The AC ser­vo­mo­tors on the SV3-XL, part num­bers HW9381586‑A, HW9381587‑A and HW9381589‑A, are found on the S, L, U, R, B, and T axes of the robot. These ser­vo­mo­tors are equipped with ampli­fiers that send and receive feed­back from oth­er parts of the robot, allow­ing the motors to adjust accord­ing­ly so the robot can move in a more effi­cient way.

Speed reduc­ers in the SV 3XL are sim­i­lar to those in the sis­ter robot, part num­bers HW9381283‑A, HW9381284‑A, HW9381285‑A, HW9381225‑A, HW9381226‑A and HW9381227‑A. These speed reduc­ers are able to slow the out­put from the motors and reroute the ener­gy where need­ed dur­ing the robot­ic appli­ca­tion. They are found on every axis of the robot.

Final­ly, the inter­nal wiring is essen­tial to the oper­a­tion of the Motoman SV-3XL. The wiring, part num­bers HW9171589‑A, HW9271096‑B, and HW9270889‑B, direct the pow­er and the pro­gram­ming infor­ma­tion from the pow­er sup­ply and the robot con­troller, respect­ful­ly, and car­ry it through the robot.

If you are in the mar­ket for a new or used SV3XL from Motoman or need parts for an SV3XL already exist­ing on your pro­duc­tion line, con­tact Robots​.com today. Robots​.com, a cer­ti­fied inte­gra­tor for Motoman Robot­ics, has all the parts and robots you could pos­si­bly need at the low­est prices available.

For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact Robots​.com today online or at 8777626881.

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