The versatility of a used Fanuc six-axis robot

Feb 4, 2014

If you are looking to automate your production line, consider a used six-axis Fanuc robot. Fanuc robots have some of the best six-axis robots in the industry and buying a used one can lower your costs while producing the same results as if you bought new. All used six-axis Fanuc robots provide the same versatility and ability to streamline your manufacturing system at a fraction of the costs of a new system.


Fanuc Robot­ics has been mak­ing some of the best six-axis robots in the indus­try for more than 30 years. When a man­u­fac­tur­er pur­chas­es a six-axis robot­ic sys­tem from Fanuc, they can expect a sys­tem that is the mod­el of speed and effi­cien­cy – even if the robot is used. Used Fanuc six-axis robots are ver­sa­tile and will stream­line your man­u­fac­tur­ing sys­tem at a frac­tion of the cost of a new system.

One of the most appeal­ing advan­tages of invest­ing in a used six-axis robot sys­tem from Fanuc, aside from the price dif­fer­ence, is the flex­i­bil­i­ty that comes with one of these sys­tems. Invest­ing in a six-axis refur­bished robot­ic sys­tem from Fanuc means invest­ing into a robot that can per­form dozens of dif­fer­ent appli­ca­tions. A used Fanuc robot with six axes can weld, han­dle mate­r­i­al and remove mate­r­i­al, depend­ing on the mod­el pur­chased. This low­ers a man­u­fac­tur­ers need to buy extra equip­ment, low­er­ing costs.

Used Fanuc six axis robots can also ele­vate the pro­duc­tion time in a shop. When work­ers per­form repet­i­tive actions, they can devel­op injuries from the rep­e­ti­tion. This can lead to a slow­er pro­duc­tion time or shut downs due to work­er short­age. With six-axis refur­bished robot sys­tems from Fanuc, pro­duc­tion down­time is a thing of the past. These robots will boost upt-ime with their abil­i­ty to run 24-hours a day, 365 days a year, with­out any need for days off or sick time. This improves the pro­duc­tion speed, as well as sav­ing the man­u­fac­tur­er time and money.

Think you might be inter­est­ed in a used six-axis robot from Fanuc for your pro­duc­tion line? Robots​.com has just the sys­tem you are look­ing for. We are a cer­ti­fied inte­gra­tor for Fanuc Robot­ics, and we have access to hun­dreds of new and used mod­els to suit any indus­tri­al application.

For more infor­ma­tion on inte­grat­ing a used Fanuc 6‑axis robot into your line, con­tact Robots​.com online or at 8777626881.

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