Top Power Sources for Robotic Welders Offered at

Mar 16, 2016 takes pride in the wide selection of welding application solutions they offer their customers. Choosing the correct power source for your system is indispensable for a seamless integration. Contact experts today to decide on the perfect automation system and power source to enhance your welding production line.


Weld­ing automa­tion is the most pop­u­lar robot appli­ca­tion at Robots​.com. Count­less cus­tomers have expe­ri­enced the increase in speed, qual­i­ty, and reduc­tion in errors after pur­chas­ing a robot­ic welder. At Robots​.com, we are proud to offer a wide selec­tion of robot­ic welders and nec­es­sary sup­plies to pro­duce opti­mal results for your automa­tion needs. 

When choos­ing a robot­ic sys­tem, pow­er sources are indis­pens­able and should be a pri­ma­ry focus when shop­ping. Hav­ing the per­fect pow­er source is key for a seam­less inte­gra­tion of a weld­ing robot. In order to help you make the best deci­sion in the pur­chase of your pow­er source, you can first read about the pop­u­lar pow­er sources sold at Robots​.com and their parameters.

Lin­coln Electric

The Pow­er­Wave tech­nol­o­gy by Lin­coln Elec­tric guar­an­tees qual­i­ty and enhances part-to-part con­sis­ten­cy with con­trol of the user inter­face. This inter­face is designed to present nec­es­sary infor­ma­tion to the oper­a­tor via a dash­board, in order to elim­i­nate guess work and allow sys­tem con­trols to pro­vide man­age­ment; all the while being a less com­plex sys­tem set-up for expe­ri­enced and new operators.

Lin­coln Elec­tric Pow­er­Wave R350 (paired with Fanuc): Rec­om­mend­ed for process­es such as Stick, DC TIG, Pulsed DC TIG, MIG, Pulsed MIG, and Flux-Cored. The R350 has a built-in wire feed­er con­trol and an incred­i­bly fast arc response, both which make it espe­cial­ly per­fect for use in robot­ic weld­ing appli­ca­tions. It includes over 65 stan­dard weld­ing wave­forms and can be used for GMAW at a rat­ed out­put of 350A/31.5V/40%.

The R350 also con­verts input pow­er to reduce oper­a­tional costs and has easy eth­er­net acces­si­bil­i­ty to allow sim­ple soft­ware upgrades. It can also track equip­ment usage, store weld data, and con­fig­ure fault lim­its to aid in pro­duc­tion analy­sis and process improvements. 

Lin­coln Elec­tric Pow­er­Wave 455M (paired with Fanuc) The 455M is your solu­tion for weld­ing thick­er mate­ri­als for Stick, TIG, MIG, Pulsed, STT(1) Flux-Cored, and Goug­ing appli­ca­tions. It has an out­put range of 5 – 570amps and offers over 60 stan­dard weld­ing wave­form pro­grams and a broad range of elec­trode sizes, types and shield­ing gas com­bi­na­tions to give you opti­mal appear­ance, pen­e­tra­tion, bead­shape, and trav­el speed for each application.

Lin­coln Elec­tric Pow­er­Wave i400 (paired with Fanuc) is opti­mal for MIG, Pulsed-MIG, Flux-Cored, Met­al-Cored, and TIG (Lift Start Only). The i400 is rat­ed the best in class for pow­er as it deliv­ers an out­put of 5 – 420 for a wide range of process­es and mate­ri­als, with no der­at­ing for pulse waveforms.

It is keep­ing up with the tech­no­log­i­cal advances that are hap­pen­ing in the automa­tion world as it can com­mu­ni­cate via tra­di­tion­al ArcLink over a CAN-based net­work or via ArcLink XT over an indus­tri­al Eth­er­net con­nec­tion. This Check­Point and Pro­duc­tion Mon­i­tor­ing 2.2 allows you to use your serv­er or our cloud-based serv­er to view and ana­lyze your weld­ing data on almost any device. 

Miller Auto-Axcess

The Miller Auto-Axcess plat­form brings the ben­e­fits of dig­i­tal con­trol tech­nol­o­gy to man­u­fac­tur­ers who cur­rent­ly use ana­log robot con­trol. All sys­tems list­ed below have Insight Core, which is a flex­i­ble, inter­net-based man­age­ment solu­tion. Insight Core helps to mon­i­tor the weld­ing process out­puts to com­pare per­for­mances of weld oper­a­tors, work groups, devices, or shifts. It will deliv­er the infor­ma­tion to any web-enabled device, any­where on the globe.

The fol­low­ing Miller Auto Axcess welders can per­form the fol­low­ing: Process- Mul­ti-MIG weld­ing (Accu-Pulse MIG, Pulsed MIG, MIG, Met­al-cored, GMAW); Man­u­fac­tur­ing process­es: Con­struc­tion equip­ment, auto­mo­tive com­po­nents, recre­ation­al vehi­cles, farm machin­ery, office fur­ni­ture, and min­ing machinery.

Miller Auto Axcess 300 (Paired with Motoman or ABB) The Axcess 300 has a rat­ed out­put or 300A at 29 VDC and 60% duty cycle. The volt­age range is 10 – 44V and aux­il­iary pow­er at 120 VAC, 10 A Duplex.

Miller Auto Axcess 450 (Paired with Motoman or ABB) The 450 has a rat­ed out­put of 450A at 36.5 VDC and 100% duty cycle. The volt­age range is 10 – 44V and Aux­il­iary pow­er 120 VAC, 10 A Duplex.

Miller Auto Axcess 675 (paired with Motoman or ABB) The 675 has a rat­ed out­put of 675A at 38 VDC and 100% duty cycle. The volt­age range is 10 – 44V and Aux­il­iary pow­er 120 VAC, 10 A Duplex.

Fro­nius TransPuls

The fol­low­ing Fro­nius TransPuls are sim­ple, ful­ly dig­i­tal, high per­for­mance, and adap­tive pulse weld­ing sys­tems to meet your automa­tion desires.

Fro­nius TransPuls Syn­er­gic 3200 CMT (paired with Motoman, Fanuc, ABB) The 3200 Cold Met­al Trans­fer (CMT) is spat­ter-free MIG/MAG weld­ing as heat is insert­ed very briefly and met­al trans­fer takes place with lit­tle cur­rent. It is for robot­ic appli­ca­tions using pulse weld­ing, MIG/MAG, TIG, and elec­trode weld­ing, up to 320A. It can weld sheets of 0.3mm or thick­er with base met­als such as alu­minum, CrNi, Spe­cial met­als, and steel.

Fro­nius TransPuls 4000 CMT (paired with Motoman, Fanuc, ABB) – The 4000 CMT is the pow­er source for short cir­cuit, spray and pulsed arcs with an out­put of 400A. It is suit­able for MIG/MAG, TIG, and elec­trode weld­ing. The 4000 is used for indus­tries such as auto­mo­tive, com­po­nent sup­ply indus­try, chem­i­cal plant con­struc­tion, machine and tracked vehi­cle man­u­fac­tur­ing, and shipyards.

This wide vari­ety of pow­er sources for robot­ic welders is Robots​.com’ way to best serve a range of needs and a vari­ety of cus­tomers. Our team of experts will do what­ev­er it takes to help you inte­grate a robot­ic weld­ing sys­tem to fit your spe­cif­ic require­ments. We strive to tru­ly lis­ten to your needs in order to help your com­pa­ny pro­duce the best ROI on your robot­ic sys­tem. At Robots​.com, we are con­stant­ly offer­ing spe­cials on robot­ic weld­ing pack­ages, so con­tact us online or by phone at 8777626881.

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