Used ABB shelf-mounted robots really have the angle

Dec 14, 2013

Shelf mounted robots offer users another level of reach and productivity. ABB offers a line of shelf mounted robots that are very successful in the metal working and plastics industries. They are also helpful in the injection molding, die casting, and other dispensary applications as they can be positioned with an advantageous downward angle.


While many believe that a robot can only be effec­tive when it is either floor or gantry mount­ed, some also know that oth­er mount­ing options, like shelf mount­ing, are very effec­tive and give robots anoth­er lev­el of reach not seen in floor or gantry mount­ed mod­els. ABB’s line of used shelf mount­ed robots con­tin­ue to win over the hearts of met­al work­ing and plas­tics indus­tries, along with oth­ers, because of their abil­i­ty to improve pro­duc­tiv­i­ty in so many areas.

Used shelf mount­ed robots from ABB are used in injec­tion mold­ing, die cast­ing and oth­er dis­pen­sary appli­ca­tions where they are posi­tioned to work at a down­ward angle to plas­tics, met­als and oth­er mate­ri­als into molds. By hav­ing the robot in an upright, but fixed posi­tion, it can move down below its mount­ing and dis­pense mate­ri­als as need­ed, some­thing that may not run as smooth­ly with robots mount­ed in oth­er ways.

Anoth­er appli­ca­tion that uti­lizes used ABB shelf-mount­ed robots is press tend­ing. Because press­es are big and take up a lot of room, space is usu­al­ly lim­it­ed on the shop floor for tend­ing these machines. When com­pa­nies employ a used shelf-mount­ed ABB robot, they are sav­ing floor space by putting the robot on a perch above the press­es, allow­ing it to reach down and grab the pressed material.

Shelf-mount­ed robots are also used heav­i­ly in the car indus­try, espe­cial­ly ABB’s shelf-mount­ed robot sys­tems. These shelf-mount­ed robots are ide­al for reach­ing down into a car and weld­ing a part, or apply­ing adhe­sive to attach parts fur­ther down the line. While humans have to jump up into cars and install items in to the frames, used shelf-mount­ed robot­ic sys­tems from ABB can just reach through the hood and quick­ly per­form the same action because of the shelf-mount­ed angle, which gives it a lot more versatility.

If you are look­ing for a used shelf-mount­ed robot unit from ABB, Robots​.com is the place to call. Robots​.com pro­vides solu­tions from ABB Robot­ics, and because of this part­ner­ship, we have access to hun­dreds of new and refur­bished robots from their cat­a­log. Our staff will work with you to find the right new or used sys­tem to fit your facil­i­ty and your budget.

For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact Robots​.com online or at 8777626881.

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