Welding and Assembly at World Block – Duluth, Minnesota

Jul 9, 2015

World Block, Inc. worked with Robots.com to integrate a robot on their production line for help with their steel forms and retaining walls. They purchased their first system from Robots.com in 2008 and saw huge labor savings and improved product quality. Because of their great success with the first system, they purchased their second system through Robots.com as well. Overall, World Block, Inc. is able to produce a better quality product at a more affordable price for their customers.


World Block, Inc. is a com­pa­ny that cre­ates the steel forms that are used to make large blocks for retain­ing walls and land­scape con­struc­tion projects. They offer a vari­ety of forms and lin­ers that allow blocks to achieve dif­fer­ent looks and fin­ish­es. How do they weld and assem­ble their prod­ucts? They auto­mate with robots from Robots​.com, of course! 

World Block approached Robots​.com for the first time in 2008, when they were look­ing for a weld­ing sys­tem. Accord­ing to Rod John­son, Pres­i­dent of World Block, the first sys­tem was a great suc­cess. We bought our first sys­tem in 2008 and, in terms of labor sav­ings and improved prod­uct qual­i­ty, it start­ed pay­ing off the first day we installed it,” John­son stat­ed. World Block had looked around for months pri­or to pur­chas­ing the first sys­tem, and couldn’t beat the com­bi­na­tion of price, qual­i­ty, and ser­vice that Robots​.com offered. We had such a good expe­ri­ence with our first sys­tem from Robots​.com that it was a no-brain­er’ to buy our sec­ond sys­tem from them as well – we lit­er­al­ly didn’t con­sid­er any­one else.” 

This time around, World Block pur­chased two Motoman UP6 XRC sys­tems. We are just set­ting up the cur­rent sys­tem, but we esti­mate that the pri­or sys­tem we pur­chased does the equiv­a­lent work of two peo­ple, with welds that look excep­tion­al,” John­son stat­ed. We pro­duce a bet­ter prod­uct at a low­er price.” 

World Block is very hap­py with their Robots​.com sys­tems. The com­pa­ny is get­ting bet­ter welds, quick­er assem­bly, and a bet­ter work envi­ron­ment for their employ­ees. Instead of spend­ing 10 hours a day weld­ing, they are now assem­blers, which is a health­i­er envi­ron­ment. World Block stat­ed that they would rec­om­mend Robots​.com to oth­ers. The com­bi­na­tion of qual­i­ty and price that Robots​.com offers is hard to beat,” John­son stated. 

Are you inter­est­ed in learn­ing more about Robots​.com and what solu­tions they can pro­vide for your automa­tion prob­lems? If so, give Robots​.com a call today at 8777626881 or fill out our con­tact form.

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