What are the Different Types of Robots?

May 31, 2023

There are six different types of industrial robots: cartesian, SCARA, cylindrical, delta, polar and vertically articulated. However, there are several additional types of robot configurations.

There are six dif­fer­ent types of indus­tri­al robots: carte­sian, SCARA, cylin­dri­cal, delta, polar and ver­ti­cal­ly artic­u­lat­ed. How­ev­er, there are sev­er­al addi­tion­al types of robot con­fig­u­ra­tions. Each of these types offers a dif­fer­ent joint con­fig­u­ra­tion. The joints in the arm are referred to as axes.

Ready to Buy? While we sell a vari­ety of indus­tri­al robots, the major­i­ty are six-axis artic­u­lat­ed robots. Start your selec­tion process by con­tact­ing our sales depart­ment at or call­ing 8777626881.

Different Types of Industrial Robots

Com­mon Types of Indus­tri­al Robots

Artic­u­lat­ed Robot Arms

This robot design fea­tures rotary joints and can range from sim­ple two joint struc­tures to 10 or more joints. The arm is con­nect­ed to the base with a twist­ing joint. The links in the arm are con­nect­ed by rotary joints. Each joint is called an axis and pro­vides an addi­tion­al degree of free­dom, or range of motion. Indus­tri­al robots com­mon­ly have four or six axes.

What are artic­u­lat­ed robots used for?

  1. Pack­ag­ing Robot­ic Applications

  2. Machine Tend­ing Robot­ic Applications

  3. Assem­bly Robot­ic Applications

  4. Arc Weld­ing Robot­ic Applications

  5. Mate­r­i­al Han­dling Robot­ic Applications

Carte­sian Robots

These are also called rec­ti­lin­ear or gantry robots. Carte­sian robots have three lin­ear joints that use the Carte­sian coor­di­nate sys­tem (X, Y, and Z). They also may have an attached wrist to allow for rota­tion­al move­ment. The three pris­mat­ic joints deliv­er a lin­ear motion along the axis.

What are carte­sian robots used for?

  1. 3D Print­ing Applications

  2. CNC Automa­tion Machines

Cylin­dri­cal Robots

The robot has at least one rotary joint at the base and at least one pris­mat­ic joint to con­nect the links. The rotary joint uses a rota­tion­al motion along the joint axis, while the pris­mat­ic joint moves in a lin­ear motion. Cylin­dri­cal robots oper­ate with­in a cylin­dri­cal-shaped work envelope.

What are cylin­dri­cal robots used for?

  1. Coat­ing Robot­ic Applications

  2. Assem­bly Robot­ic Applications

  3. Machine Tend­ing Robot­ic Applications

Polar Robots

Also called spher­i­cal robots, in this con­fig­u­ra­tion the arm is con­nect­ed to the base with a twist­ing joint and a com­bi­na­tion of two rotary joints and one lin­ear joint. The axes form a polar coor­di­nate sys­tem and cre­ate a spher­i­cal-shaped work envelope.

What are polar robots used for?

  1. Mate­r­i­al Han­dling Robot­ic Applications

  2. Die Cast­ing Robot­ic Applications

  3. Injec­tion Mold­ing Applications

SCARA Robots

Com­mon­ly used in assem­bly appli­ca­tions, this selec­tive­ly com­pli­ant arm for robot­ic assem­bly is pri­mar­i­ly cylin­dri­cal in design. It fea­tures two par­al­lel joints that pro­vide com­pli­ance in one select­ed plane.

What are SCARA robots used for?

  1. Bio-med Robot­ic Applications

  2. Assem­bly Robot Applications

  3. Pal­letiz­ing Robot Applications

Delta Robots

These spi­der-like robots are built from joint­ed par­al­lel­o­grams con­nect­ed to a com­mon base. The par­al­lel­o­grams move a sin­gle EOAT in a dome-shaped work area. Heav­i­ly used in the food, phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal, and elec­tron­ic indus­tries, this robot con­fig­u­ra­tion is capa­ble of del­i­cate, pre­cise movement.

What are delta robots used for?

  1. Pick and Place Robot­ic Applications

Six Degrees of Freedom

Typ­i­cal indus­tri­al robots are artic­u­lat­ed and fea­ture six axes of motion (6 degrees of free­dom). This design allows max­i­mum flex­i­bil­i­ty. Six-axis robots are ide­al for:

Find the right indus­tri­al robot for you by con­tact­ing our sales depart­ment or call­ing 8777626881.

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