What is Flexdeburr?

Jun 30, 2013

Flexdeburr, is a deburring tool that brings fast speeds (40,000 RPM) that significantly reduce cycle time. Flexdeburr also includes integrated radial compliance. There are a variety of Flexdeburr options available to best meet your unique production needs.


ATI Indus­tri­al Automa­tion designed the Flexde­burr, a high-speed robot­ic debur­ring tool with inte­grat­ed radi­al com­pli­ance. The Flexde­burr is air tur­bine-dri­ven, and can deburr a vari­ety of mate­ri­als, includ­ing alu­minum, plas­tic, steel, and many more. The tool is light­weight, and is ide­al­ly equipped to deburr part­ing lines as well as remov­ing flash from man­u­fac­tured parts. Since the 40,000 RPM unit also deburrs edges, cycle time is sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduced. 

Ori­en­ta­tion of the part is not per­ti­nent; the Flexde­burr boasts high feed rates with pre­cise qual­i­ty regard­less of ori­en­ta­tion. Irreg­u­lar part pat­terns are also not a chal­lenge, since the air pres­sure allows con­sis­tent debur­ring. The Flexde­burr can com­pen­sate for sur­face vari­a­tions due to the design of the cut­ting bit fol­low­ing the part pro­file. The tool uses stan­dard tung­sten-car­bide indus­tri­al bits for flexibility.

Five main types of Flexde­burr mod­els are avail­able. The Flexde­burr 150 focus­es on the fin­ish: it is designed for light debur­ring. The Flexde­burr 340 takes it up a notch and is pre­pared for medi­um debur­ring and light deflash­ing., and the Flexde­burr 340 CNC is the CNC ver­sion with onboard com­pli­ance and air reg­u­la­tion. The Flexde­burr 300 is suit­ed for spe­cial mate­r­i­al appli­ca­tions, since it has a low­er RPM than the 340 mod­el. Last, the Flexde­burr 660’s more pow­er­ful motor is used for medi­um to heavy deflash­ing. Sev­er­al oper­at­ing speeds are avail­able: options are 30,000, 40,000, and 65,000 RPM mod­els, and the tools offer up to 9mm of compliance.

Not only is the work envi­ron­ment spared from loud noise with the qui­et motor on the Flexde­burr, but it also receives clean exhaust air vent­ed inside since the unit does not require oil. Robot pro­gram­ming is min­i­mized due to the built-in com­pli­ance, as is chat­ter­ing and vibration. 

Vari­ety is the name of the game; spin­dle speeds are vari­able depend­ing on the task (high speeds pro­vide an opti­mum sur­face fin­ish), and the cut­ting force is adjustable even as work pro­gress­es. The mount­ing inter­face is on the rear or the side of the unit, instead of just the rear. 

For a radi­al­ly-com­pli­ant debur­ring tool, the Flexde­burr is a con­sis­tent choice. Robots​.com works with all types of indus­tries that require debur­ring. If you would like to learn more about how to inte­grate a debur­ring robot, con­tact Robots​.com online or at 8777626881.

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