It Happens Every Year… It’s National Robotics Week!

Apr 1, 2012

​​National Robotics Week occurs each year and helps to promote industrial robots across the country. There are typically different events across the country to become involved in or to go and find out mor information about industrial robots, robot parts, workcells, the robotic industry, automation, and more. Contact experts for more information on how to get involved with industrial robots.

We’ve told you about indus­tri­al robots, robot parts, work­cells, the robot­ic indus­try, automa­tion, and on and on and on… You get it. You are prob­a­bly read­ing this arti­cle because you are inter­est­ed in robot­ics. Maybe you are an engi­neer. Maybe you are study­ing to be an engi­neer. Maybe you are learn­ing about becom­ing a robot­ic tech­ni­cian. Or maybe you have soaked in all this robot­ic infor­ma­tion and are ready to become a part of the robot­ic world. If that last one describes you, you could not be ready to expe­ri­ence robot­ics at a bet­ter time.

Factory Robots

Nation­al Robot­ics Week starts April 7 this year and runs until April 15. Now is your chance to see some robot­ics in action! Check out the list of robot­ic events to see where you can be part of the action! The Robot­ic Indus­tries of Amer­i­ca is also host­ing two free webi­na­rs about indus­tri­al robotics!

If you think you would like to get involved by start­ing a career in the robot­ic indus­try, you will def­i­nite­ly want to attend one or both of the webi­na­rs. Speak­ers from all over the indus­try will weigh-in on the fun­da­men­tals of robot­ics as well as careers and jobs in robot­ics. The Career Oppor­tu­ni­ties in Robot­ics ses­sion will be held April 10, 2012 from noon until 1 PM EST. The Fun­da­men­tals of Robot­ics – Fac­to­ry Solu­tions ses­sion will be April 12, 2012 from noon until 1 PM EST.

Be sure to check out the webi­na­rs and find a robot­ic event near you! For more infor­ma­tion on auto­mat­ed solu­tions, con­tact Robots​.com experts online or at 8777626881.

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