Making Money by Selling Your Used Robot

Jan 29, 2015

Finding a reliable robotics partner is important to help you save money when finding a robotic system and also if you are looking towards selling a system that you have. It is important to fully understand that you may have including the robot's history, the appraisal, and making sure all of the wires and cables are available. Furthermore, a video of your system would be helpful in getting your system sold quicker.

So, you’re con­sid­er­ing upgrad­ing your cur­rent robot for a new­er mod­el? Con­grat­u­la­tions! What are your plans for your exist­ing robot? Wait, what do you mean you plan to scrap it? You may be able to sell that old robot and make a prof­it while doing it, which will def­i­nite­ly help recoup some of the expense of your new robot.

How do you go about sell­ing your robot? It’s sim­ple. You find a reli­able robot­ics com­pa­ny like Robots​.com.

There are a few things you’ll want to keep in mind when try­ing to sell your refur­bished robot to an inte­gra­tor or oth­er par­ty. You want to think of the robot like any oth­er item you’d try to sell. To get top dol­lar for your robot­ic sys­tem, it has to be in good work­ing order. Make sure all of the wiring and cabling for the robot is avail­able, along with the teach pen­dant and con­troller. Oth­er­wise, you may be able to sell the robots for parts. While robot­ics inte­gra­tors like Robots​.com may buy a robot that has prob­lems or is not work­ing, it all depends on the robot and the inven­to­ry already in stock. Typ­i­cal­ly, if your robot no longer runs or has mechan­i­cal issues, it may be best to trade the robot in, and apply the trade-in val­ue toward the pur­chase of your new robot.

When sell­ing a robot, it is impor­tant to know your sys­tem inside and out and have any paper­work avail­able for prospec­tive buy­ers, includ­ing own­er­ship papers. You should also know your robot’s his­to­ry and get it appraised, which will improve your knowl­edge of the robot’s worth. This could affect your sell­ing price, as well as your mar­ket­ing abil­i­ties. Make sure that the robot is pho­tographed, so com­pa­nies can see what they are poten­tial­ly buy­ing. It also doesn’t hurt to take a video of your robot in action to show prospec­tive buyers.

After that, it is all about accept­ing the right bid for your robot. Robots​.com pledges to pay 10% more than oth­er com­peti­tors. So, if you decide to accept a Robots​.com bid, you get more mon­ey and receive it faster than you would from oth­er bid­ding cus­tomers. Robots​.com can even arrange for the ship­ping of your robot to our facility.

Robots​.com buys and sells sev­er­al dif­fer­ent refur­bished robot mod­els from Fanuc, Motoman, KUKA, ABB, Uni­ver­sal Robots, and more! If you have a refur­bished robot you are inter­est­ed in sell­ing, con­tact Robots​.com online or at 8777626881.

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