RAMTEC is Preparing the Next Generation in Robotics

Jun 15, 2017

RAMTEC, Robotics & Advanced Manufacturing Technology Education Collaborative, is helping to prepare the next generation of robotics experts. They are teaching students about robotic manufacturing skills while working with Fanuc, Motoman, and Universal Robots. RAMTEC understands the importance of educating the students who will become the future and those that will need to know how to program, operate, and maintain robotics which are continuing to grow across the world.


The robot­ics divi­sion is advanc­ing at ridicu­lous­ly fast speeds, quick­ly becom­ing enveloped in smart soft­ware, sen­sors, and EOATs. Yet, as intel­li­gent as these tech­nolo­gies are becom­ing, they still depends on human capa­bil­i­ty to help and over­see dai­ly oper­a­tion. Sophis­ti­cat­ed soft­ware ulti­mate­ly depends on inter­face with humans. They still need to be pro­grammed. All of this reflects the fact that edu­ca­tion of these skills to the ris­ing gen­er­a­tion, the ones who will be even more immersed in tech­nol­o­gy then we are, is so very impor­tant. It is imperative. 

Enter RAMTEC. The Robot­ics & Advanced Man­u­fac­tur­ing Tech­nol­o­gy Edu­ca­tion Col­lab­o­ra­tive, locat­ed in Mar­i­on, Ohio, is work­ing hard to do just that. They are work­ing hard to bring need­ed robot­ic man­u­fac­tur­ing skills by teach­ing pro­gram­ming with a vari­ety of man­u­fac­tur­ers such as Fanuc, Motoman, and Uni­ver­sal Robots (col­lab­o­ra­tive series). 

It’s impor­tant that kids start under­stand­ing the con­cept of robot­ics,” says Ritch Ramey, RAMTEC Engi­neer­ing Coor­di­na­tor. We’re going to see it expand prob­a­bly ten­fold in the use of robots over the next 15 to 20 years. They should at least know the basics of robotics.”

Pro­gram­ming of robots and the details of the entire soft­ware plat­forms, is a heavy part in the cur­ricu­lum at RAMTEC. So, all nine RAMTEC sites in Ohio will enable stu­dents to com­plete the soft­ware train­ing to earn the fol­low­ing credentials:

Fanuc Han­dling Tool Oper­a­tion and Pro­gram­ming certification

Yaskawa Motoman DX100 Basic Pro­gram­ming certification

Cer­ti­fied SOLID­WORKS Associate

Auto CAD Cer­ti­fied Professional

Offline pro­gram­ming, help­ing to keep the robots con­stant­ly online, is also a very valu­able knowl­edge tool to car­ry. So RAMTEC teach­es stu­dents using vir­tu­al soft­ware with ROBOGU­IDE or Moto­Sim.

Addi­tion­al­ly, stu­dents will learn the nec­es­sary build­ing blocks for future engi­neers or robot­ics tech­ni­cians, such as robot­ic weld­ing, PLCs hydraulics, pneu­mat­ics, CNCs,computer-aided design, 3D print­ing, and expect­ed to be added soon are vision and the Cis­co platform. 

There are mul­ti­ple oppor­tu­ni­ties to con­duct hands-on train­ing with robots as there is typ­i­cal­ly a 2:1 or 3:1 ratio. Stu­dents can prac­tice using the mobile edu­ca­tion cards and with large pay­load robots. Most of the train­ing is done on a teach pen­dant, which is rare and a huge advan­tage when com­pared to all of the oth­er robot­ic edu­ca­tion options. 

Com­pa­nies also need those trained in robot­ics to design and engi­neer new sys­tems for man­u­fac­tur­ing cus­tomers. They can learn these skills from RAMTEC, where high school and adult stu­dents will be able to train with sim­u­la­tors and real indus­tri­al robots to gain impor­tant expe­ri­ence that will take them far in the man­u­fac­tur­ing workplace.

As you can see, RAMTEC is doing an incred­i­ble job of keep­ing up with the quick­ly advanc­ing and inter-con­nect­ed indus­tri­al world. Our stu­dents have to do exact­ly what the indus­try peo­ple do,” says Ramey, an instruc­tor. The same amount of time, same assign­ments, same e‑learning, and same tests to get their cre­den­tial­ing.” For­tu­nate­ly, the Ohio Depart­ment of Edu­ca­tion is beyond sup­port­ive and help­ing RAMTEC thrive by gra­cious­ly giv­ing them a third round of Straight A grants, adding up to $6 mil­lion total. 

RAMTEC hopes to con­tin­ue extend­ing its loca­tions and its growth and devel­op­ment in career devel­op­ment for advanced man­u­fac­tur­ing and robot­ics. Its ulti­mate goal is to help close the skills gap in automa­tion by teach­ing stu­dents of all ages and skill lev­els how to best oper­ate and evolve with the robot­ics revolution. 

It is easy to see that the fac­to­ry of the future is quick­ly advanc­ing, grow­ing, and evolv­ing. As tech­nol­o­gy con­tin­ues to devel­op and reshape the way the world con­quers automa­tion man­u­fac­tur­ing, RAMTEC is step­ping up to the plate to maek sure that stu­dents are ready to han­dle the nec­es­sary job tasks of the future. 

At Robots​.com, we are proud to be near this incred­i­ble learn­ing cen­ter. For any ques­tions about automa­tion, please feel free to con­tact our team of experts at Robots​.com. We are ready to pro­vide you with more infor­ma­tion, con­tact us online or at 8777626881 today! 

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