Robot Sales Continue to Rise: Up 10% in 2016

Jan 31, 2017

The Robotics Industry Association has published statistics that show robot orders were up 10% from the year previous. This fact alone shows that robotics are becoming more affordable for businesses of all sizes. These businesses are integrating robotics and realizing the huge benefits and fast ROI they are bringing and so automation continues to prove itself as a valuable tool on production lines.


As tech­nol­o­gy con­tin­ues to advance, it enables automa­tion to become more intel­li­gent and afford­able. This helps robot­ics con­tin­ue to spread their automa­tion love out­side of fac­to­ry floors. Automa­tion can now be found in a vari­ety of places such as the food and con­sumer goods indus­tries and even small busi­ness­es. There­fore, it is no sur­prise that the robot­ics world proved itself to be extreme­ly pop­u­lar in 2016.

Robot­ics Indus­try Asso­ci­a­tion pub­lished num­bers that showed robot orders were up 10% from 2015 to 2016. There were a total of 34,606 robots ordered with a total mar­ket val­ue of $1.9 bil­lion, in North Amer­i­ca alone. The demand surged in the fourth quar­ter last year as robot orders hit 10,621 val­ued at $561 mil­lion, a 21% increase from 2015.

The auto­mo­tive indus­try also saw orders jump by 17% in 2016; assem­bly up 61%, food and con­sumer goods indus­try up 32%, and spot weld­ing up 24%.

The robot­ics indus­try will con­tin­ue to make waves across all industries,ranging from auto, to food, to con­sumer goods. For more infor­ma­tion about any robot­ic ser­vices, feel free to con­tact Robots​.com rep­re­sen­ta­tives online, or at 8777626881.

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