Six Reasons to Choose Waterjet Robots

Apr 4, 2010

​Material removal robots such as waterjet robots help to cut through a wide range of materials such as metals, plastics, carpet, food, and others. Their high pressure stream of water (40,000-60,000 pounds per square inch) has the ability to wear material away quickly and evenly. Waterjet robots help to add flexibility and an incredible quality product.

Waterjet robots

Water­jet robots are a force to be reck­oned with. They are able to cut through a mul­ti­tude of mate­ri­als — met­als, plas­tics, car­pet, food, etc. with their high pres­sure stream of water. Because of this ver­sa­til­i­ty and oth­er unique char­ac­ter­is­tics, water­jet robots are fast becom­ing the pre­ferred appli­ca­tion for a wide range of industries. 

How Water Jets Work: 

Water­jet EOAT chan­nels a high-pres­sured jet of water (40,00060,000 pounds per square inch) through a small open­ing. Some­times gar­net is added to the stream of water to make the jet even more abra­sive. The stream of high-pres­sure water wears the mate­r­i­al away quick­ly and clean­ly. Com­bin­ing the pow­er of water and the flex­i­bil­i­ty of automa­tion, they offer mul­ti­ple advantages.

Six Advan­tages to Water­jet Robots:

  1. Speed: The water­jet EOAT is much lighter than laser cut­ters, mak­ing the process­es even faster.
  2. Accu­ra­cy: The pre­ci­sion of a water­jet, togeth­er with the repeata­bil­i­ty of the artic­u­lat­ed robot pro­vide incred­i­ble accu­ra­cy and con­trol. On a relat­ed note, the water­jet pro­vides pre­ci­sion cuts with­out any raw edges. 
  3. Flex­i­bil­i­ty: Water­jet robots offer incred­i­ble ver­sa­til­i­ty. In the auto­mo­tive indus­try, for instance, trim die cuts are cre­at­ed for each part. With water­jet tech­nol­o­gy, chang­ing parts fre­quent­ly is no hassle. 
  4. Eco-Friend­ly: These robots keep it green. This appli­ca­tion won’t leave haz­ardous wastes behind; they don’t use any chem­i­cal sol­vents and the pre­ci­sion leads to less wast­ed prod­uct. Plus, the water can be con­stant­ly reused due to a closed-loop system.
  5. Heat-Free: Unlike plas­ma and laser cut­ting process­es, water­jet appli­ca­tions do not cre­ate a HAZ or heat affect­ed zone, so mate­ri­als are not dam­aged dur­ing the process.
  6. No Dust/​Smoke: Instead of the dust and mess cre­at­ed with robot­ic router cut­ting, water­jet makes a clean cut. This way you save time and effort clean­ing the work­space. A dust­less envi­ron­ment is sim­ply health­i­er. Water­jets do not cre­ate smoke like plas­ma and laser cut­ting. It goes with­out say­ing that vapor­ized mate­ri­als like vinyl and fiber­glass are not safe.


These robots are ide­al­ly suit­ed for cut­ting, drilling, mate­r­i­al removal, and clean­ing appli­ca­tions. Water­jet robots are cur­rent­ly seen in sev­er­al indus­tries includ­ing aero­space, auto­mo­tive, elec­tron­ics, food, tex­tile and packaging. 

Con­tact Robots​.com:

There is no doubt that a water­jet robot sys­tem will improve the qual­i­ty of your prod­uct and min­i­mize waste. Inter­est­ed in a water­jet robot? Robots​.com sells new and recon­di­tioned water­jet robots from Motoman, Fanuc, KUKA, and ABB. Each robot can be cus­tomized to meet the cus­tomer’s needs. All of the recon­di­tioned robots have under­gone a very rig­or­ous refur­bish­ment process. To get start­ed with your very own water jet sys­tem, con­tact Robots​.com online or at 8777626881.

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