Super Robots to the Rescue

Apr 25, 2017

​​ has over 35 years of experience in robotic integration of all shapes, sizes, and colors. Some of the toughest and strongest robots, the super robots, bring extraordinary powers to the production line. Sometimes they are even painted in superhero colors, bringing an extra loyalty, commitment, and overall super hero work ethic to tackle the villain of anti-productivity.


Super robots are noth­ing short of super­heroes among the man­u­fac­tur­ing indus­try. They bring extra­or­di­nary pow­ers, intel­li­gence, and abil­i­ties to the pro­duc­tion line. Dressed in sim­i­lar bright, eas­i­ly iden­ti­fi­able, paint­ed cos­tumes” as are our well-known super­heroes, super robots tru­ly poss­es a hero­ic work eth­ic. They bring a loy­al­ty and com­mit­ment to tack­le the vil­lain of anti-pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and get your spe­cif­ic job done. Just like our beloved super­heroes, super robots pos­sess the same moti­va­tion and sense of respon­si­bil­i­ty to get the job done, a fight­ing spir­it, and com­mit­ment to sav­ing your life (your time and prod­uct quality). 

These hero­ic super robots are also always will­ing to tack­le what­ev­er may lie ahead, swoop­ing in to save the day, every day, 247, with no lunch breaks or vaca­tions required. 

At Robots​.com, we have love for all shapes, sizes, and col­ors of robots. How­ev­er, if we were to pick some of our tough­est, strongest, and most flex­i­ble robots in the indus­try, we would cre­ate a team as follows. 

Fanuc Super Robot

Our line­up of super robots includes one of the world’s largest and strongest six-axis robots, the the Fanuc M‑2000iA. This robot has no short­age of super­hero-like traits. It is rat­ed the world’s strongest wrist axes, with Best-in-Class” moments and iner­tia and can han­dle one of the high­est pay­loads at 2300 kg. The M‑2000iA also has one of the longest ver­ti­cal strokes, enabling lift­ing or trans­fer­ring more than 6.2 meters, and hor­i­zon­tal stroke longer than 8.2 meters. 

The M‑2000iA comes in mul­ti­ple pay­load options. Its elec­tric ser­vo-dri­ven and mod­u­lar con­struc­tion pro­vides supe­ri­or reli­a­bil­i­ty when com­pared to fixed automa­tion. It was engi­neered for appli­ca­tions that tra­di­tion­al robots can­not tack­le and pro­vides rigid con­struc­tion that helps to pro­vide sta­bil­i­ty for the trans­fer of super-heavy parts. 

It has built-in sup­port for machine vision appli­ca­tions to help with robot guid­ance and error proof­ing. Safe­ty is a non-issue, pro­vid­ing the high­est lev­el for E‑Stop and Fence Stop with the Dual-Check Safe­ty (DCS) func­tion. The DCS helps to sup­port safe­ty mon­i­tor­ing of robot posi­tion and speed. Paired with the iPen­dant, this robot is super easy to pro­gram and has a cus­tom cell user inter­face design.

All of these attrib­ut­es enable this Fanuc super robot to han­dle a vari­ety of man­u­fac­tur­ing and sys­tems process­es such as drop-lift­ing, mate­r­i­al han­dling, machine tool load­ing/unload­ing, large fab­ri­ca­tion han­dling, large sheet or pan­el han­dling, glass han­dling, or cast­ing operations.

Motoman Super Robot

The world is a much bet­ter and safer place when super­heroes and super robots com­bine their pow­ers and form a super hero­ic team. So our team at Robots​.com chose a super robot that does­n’t have great strength, but great dex­ter­i­ty and flex­i­bil­i­ty. The 15-axis Motoman SDA10D dual arm robot brings just that. The SDA10D offers manufacturer’s human-like flex­i­bil­i­ty, a slim design, and a com­pact foot­print. Each arm can han­dle up to 10 kg pay­load and syn­chro­nous­ly work togeth­er or simul­ta­ne­ous­ly per­form inde­pen­dent tasks.

It’s the per­fect robot­ic solu­tion for mul­ti­ple types of appli­ca­tions with its pow­er­ful actu­a­tor based design, high wirst per­for­mance, and ful­ly inte­grat­ed sup­ply cables. These appli­ca­tions can range from assem­bly, part trans­fer, machine tend­ing, pack­ag­ing, and oth­er han­dling tasks that in the past could only be com­plet­ed by peo­ple. The SDA10D can be paired with the DX100 or NX100 robot con­troller for ulti­mate mul­ti­ple axis con­trol (up to 8 robots). 

ABB Super Robot

To bring more pow­er, strength, func­tion­al­i­ty and exper­tise to this super robot team, we have select­ed the ABB IRB 8700. The ABB IRB 8700 is the market’s best per­form­ing high pay­load robot (800 kg) with the low­est total cost of own­er­ship. It brings a very long reach (3.5 meters) and has ABB’s supe­ri­or motion con­trol tech­nol­o­gy to help adjust to speed and accom­mo­date heavy and wide parts. Despite being a large robot, it main­tains a small, com­pact foot­print, opti­mized coun­ter­weight, par­al­lel link­ages, stiff axes, and few­er dri­ve motors to keep its momen­tum down and speed up. These attrib­ut­es com­bine to also help deliv­er short­er cycle times and high­er accuracy.

The IRB 8700 is avail­able in two dif­fer­ent con­fig­u­ra­tions (550kg payload/4.2m reach and 800kg payload/3.5m reach), each with a high moment of iner­tia at 725 kgm2

KUKA Super Robot

We round out the super robot team with one of the largest and strongest robots in the world, the KUKA KR 1000 Titan. The Titan is so strong, it recent­ly earned its place in the Guin­ness Book of Records under the World’s Strongest Robot.” 

This 6‑axis robot brings pro­duc­tion plan­ners the speed and dynam­ics they have pre­vi­ous­ly dreamed of. It has a total of nine motors which can deliv­er the pow­er of a mid-sized car. It also fea­tures a robust steel base frame. With a 1,000 kg pay­load and 3200 mm reach, the KR Titan was designed to han­dle extreme­ly heavy lift­ing and manip­u­la­tion appli­ca­tions for things such as build­ing mate­ri­als and auto­mo­tive and foundry indus­tries. The KUKA KR Titan can be put into appli­ca­tions what pre­vi­ous­ly required 2 robots, help­ing to save valu­able floor space and increase the over­all effi­cien­cy. Fur­ther­more, the KUKA titan can with­stand a sta­t­ic torque of 60,000 new­ton meters (Nm).

Con­tact Robots​.com

With over 35 years of expe­ri­ence, our team of experts are look­ing for­ward to dis­cussing all of the super robot options we can help put on your pro­duc­tion line. Rep­re­sen­ta­tives at Robots​.com can walk you through the whole process of buy­ing the right robot, while also offer­ing prop­er train­ing and prod­uct main­te­nance to ensure a smooth and effec­tive deliv­ery. We hope to estab­lish a long term part­ner­ship as your robot­ic sup­pli­er. Con­tact us today at 8777626881.

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