Take a Ride on the KUKA Coaster!

Feb 17, 2016

The new KUKA coaster is quite the experience! Robotic engineers have created a robot that provides a rollercoaster-like experience, flipping people around and upside down. This is just the beginning of innovations like this from the KUKA family and we look forward to seeing what more there is to come.


KUKA is lit­er­al­ly flip­ping the robot­ic indus­try upside down and turn­ing it round and round! If you haven’t already expe­ri­enced it, the KUKA Coast­er needs to be the seat you sit in next. The new gen­er­a­tion of robot-based amuse­ment rides proves to the world that the KUKA brains behind the robots aren’t all about work, they also like to play!

For­get the old roller coast­er where the track shows you your next move; the KUKA coast­er, takes the pas­sen­gers on a huge thrill ride filled unknown- every sec­ond offers a new direc­tion, a sur­prise sharp left turn, and then, flip! Of course the ride wouldn’t be as thrilling with­out amaz­ing sound and light effects that com­plete the inte­gra­tion of all of your sens­es. Not ready for an extreme ride? No wor­ries! The KUKA coast­er offers thrills at all lev­els, so all rid­ers are wel­come! Take a look and ride along vir­tu­al­ly with this video! 

The KUKA Coast­er has been seen in indoor and out­door envi­ron­ments, such as parks, fam­i­ly enter­tain­ment cen­ters, shop­ping malls, and sci­ence cen­ters. With mul­ti­ple Kuka coast­ers in the same are­na, you could even expe­ri­ence themes such as robot bal­let, medieval joust­ing tour­na­ment, or oth­er cre­ative ideas!

It is the first robot to be licensed to car­ry pas­sen­gers and all of it’s struc­tur­al com­po­nents and gear are 100% cer­ti­fied. Since robots have been around for a long time, sci­en­tists have been able to devel­op and set-up loads of safe­ty mea­sures, such as mechan­i­cal stops and con­tin­u­ous elec­tron­ic mon­i­tor­ing. So you can expect noth­ing but safe­ty to hop along for the ride next to your your fun and adven­tur­ous spirit! 

This appears to be just the begin­ning of the great robot­ic coast­er adven­ture! Devel­op­ers are quick­ly inte­grat­ing fas­ci­nat­ing con­cepts to fur­ther enhance the KUKA coast­er expe­ri­ence. Some of these prod­ucts are even in the pro­to­type and will be seen in the not too dis­tant future.

For instance, devel­op­ers are seek­ing to add the fourth dimen­sion to robo­coast­er users, bring­ing the expe­ri­ence to an even more intense expe­ri­ence by stim­u­lat­ing the skin by blow­ing wind to sim­u­late high speed trav­el. A mobile trail­er con­cept is in progress that will have a 3 hour set up time to cre­ate the abil­i­ty to take your coast­er any­where and every­where! Want to feel what it is like to rock­et launch into space? A tow­er full of pow­er” is in the works, keep­ing pas­sen­gers on their toes with unlim­it­ed 6‑axis motions while blast­ing into space.” Final­ly, a robo­coast­er dome that is sta­tion­ary, yet mobile, and most impor­tant­ly weath­er inde­pen­dent could help add an ele­ment of mys­tique by enabling laser shows, fog, and even light­ning to the ride. 

We nev­er fail to be impressed with KUKA’s abil­i­ty to inte­grate and pro­duce an amaz­ing prod­uct that always suc­ceeds at sat­is­fy­ing the needs (and adven­tures) of the next gen­er­a­tion. The KUKA coast­er tru­ly is the per­fect enter­tain­ment option to put…anywhere…and to entertain…anyone! We can’t wait to see what addi­tions come next-Gid­dy up!

If you are inter­est­ed in learn­ing more about the KUKA robots at Robots​.com or any of the tra­di­tion­al indus­tri­al robots avail­able from the com­pa­nies, con­tact Robots​.com, a cer­ti­fied inte­gra­tor for Fanuc, Motoman, KUKA, Uni­ver­sal Robots, and ABB. Our staff will work with you to help you design and build the best robot­ic sys­tem for you and your facility. 

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