The Robotic Arm and Milling Applications

Mar 5, 2009

Automating your milling process will help to bring increased flexibility, throughput, and a more affordable option. Milling robots can perform precise cuts and movements to produce the best quality product that your customer's are seeking. Bringing industrial robot arms to your milling application will be a decision you will not regret.


Milling is a machin­ing process that uses a spin­ning, mul­ti-tooth cut­ter to remove mate­r­i­al to form a spe­cif­ic struc­ture. These robots can per­form the exact cuts and move­ments need­ed to pro­duce the high­est qual­i­ty parts. The dif­fer­ing sizes or shapes need­ed are cre­at­ed with sim­ple robot adjust­ments, pro­gram­ming, and flex­i­ble EOAT. It is easy to see why milling is the pre­ferred method for pro­to­typ­ing and mold cre­ation, for all these rea­sons and the ones list­ed below. 

Up to this point, milling has been accom­plished with spe­cial milling and CNC machines. But milling robots offer advan­tages over these tra­di­tion­al milling methods.

Flex­i­bil­i­ty — The typ­i­cal 6‑axis artic­u­lat­ed robot offers more move­ment flex­i­bil­i­ty than a nor­mal milling machine. A robot can mill a com­plex part from mul­ti­ple angles. Instead of hav­ing to repo­si­tion and re-clamp the pro­to­type or mold again and again, the robot can remain stationary. 

Through­put — Milling with a robot­ic arm can increase over­all through­put. A robot is more con­sis­tent and accu­rate. With few­er mis­takes, and less time spent repo­si­tion­ing a robot­ic arm mills faster. 

The Right Touch - Many of the mate­ri­als used for pro­to­typ­ing and molds are soft — clay, foam, REN board. A robot­ic arm is well-suit­ed for respond­ing to and work­ing with all types of mediums. 

Afford­abil­i­ty — Milling with a robot­ic arm is extreme­ly eco­nom­i­cal. Unlike milling machines, robots can be reas­signed to per­form oth­er assign­ments in a shop — arc weld­ing, mate­r­i­al han­dling, etc. They can improve through­put, sav­ing valu­able time and increas­ing pro­duc­tion. In addi­tion, a robot­ic arm can han­dle more of the milling task with­out need­ing human intervention.

Robots​.com is ready to help you decide on the right milling robot. We pro­vide robot­ics solu­tions from Fanuc, ABB, Motoman, and KUKA. Con­tact us today online for more infor­ma­tion on any of our milling prod­ucts or give us a call at 8777626881.

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