First IRB 360 Built at ABB US Robot Factory!

Jul 21, 2018

The very first ABB IRB 360 has been constructed at the US Factory! It was built for a US based customer and is among the many other robots now built at ABB US.

ABB IRB 360 Flex Picker Robot

In 2015, the ABB Unit­ed States Robot Fac­to­ry made a com­mit­ment to com­plete robot arms and con­trollers to Unit­ed States cus­tomers. It has fol­lowed through with this com­mit­ment for mul­ti­ple robots and now with the IRB 360!

The out­stand­ing motion per­for­mance ABB IRB 360 Flex Pick­er has been the leader in state-of-the-art high speed robot­ic pick­ing and pack­ing tech­nol­o­gy. This con­tin­ued pop­u­lar­i­ty led to this excit­ing ABB Unit­ed States pro­duc­tion announce­ment! Even more, the first ABB IRB 360 made in the ABB US Robot Fac­to­ry was made for a Unit­ed States Val­ue Provider!

There is an IRB 360 for almost every need as it can tack­le a vari­ety of pay­loads up to 8 kg and reach­es 800 mm-1600 mm. It pro­vides users with quick cycle times, incred­i­ble accu­ra­cy with the inte­grat­ed vision soft­ware, and out­stand­ing motion con­trol! Fur­ther­more, the ABB IRB 360 can work at very high speeds in nar­row and wide spaces with tight tol­er­ances. If your pro­duc­tion needs require a larg­er grip­per, this robot can accom­mo­date larg­er grip­pers allow­ing for effi­cient han­dling of flow wrapped prod­ucts at high speeds from an index­ing belt. It also has a hygien­ic design for the wash­down applications.

The list of oth­er US ABB Fac­to­ry made robots include the IRB 2600, IRB 4600, and IRB 6700 robot arms as well as the stan­dard and com­pact IRC5 con­trollers. Spe­cial require­ments such as Foundry Plus 2, Mul­ti­Move robots, and motor pack­ages are also avail­able from the US Factory.

This US fac­to­ry deliv­ers robots in around four to six weeks with robot con­fig­u­ra­tions that meet each customer’s spe­cif­ic needs.

If you are inter­est­ed in an ABB IRB 360, con­tact Robots​.com rep­re­sen­ta­tives today. Experts can be reached at 8777626881 or online.

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