
The ABB Flex­pick­er, the ABB IRB 360 IRC5, is a smart’ Delta robot with a com­pact foot­print, pre­ci­sion accu­ra­cy, out­stand­ing motion con­trol, and short cycle times. The IRB 360 oper­ates in nar­row to wide spaces with tight tol­er­ances, all at very high speeds. 

Robots​.com also offers used ABB IRB 360 robots for sale. Every used IRB 360 goes through an intense refur­bish­ment process.

There is an IRB 360 for near­ly every job.The pay­load vari­ants in the IRB 360 fam­i­ly are 1 kg, 3 kg, 6 kg, or 8 kg and with reach­es of 800 mm, 1130 mm, or 1600 mm. All of these Flex­pick­ers are opti­mal for pack­ing appli­ca­tions and are among the most capa­ble of the pick­ing appli­ca­tions. If nec­es­sary, each Flex­Pick­er can accom­mo­date larg­er grip­pers enabling more effi­cient han­dling of flow wrapped prod­ucts at high speeds from an index­ing belt. 

The IRC 5 con­troller can be pan­el-mount­ed for space sav­ing options and easy assim­i­la­tion into pro­duc­tion lines and machines. Pick­Mas­ter™ soft­ware helps to ease appli­ca­tion set-up by sim­pli­fy­ing vision con­fig­u­ra­tion and offer­ing the appli­ca­tion tools need­ed for effi­cient high speed pick­ing. True­Move™ and Quick­Move™ are the key play­ers that allow these robots to track fast, mov­ing con­vey­or belts (up to 1400 mm/​s) with extreme accuracy. 

This sec­ond gen­er­a­tion Flex­pick­er robot is IP69K cer­ti­fied and very easy to clean. There are three mod­els avail­able: wash-down, clean-room, and stain­less steel. The wash-down robots are pro­tect­ed in keep­ing with Stan­dard ISO class 7. The clean-room and stain­less steel meet all ISO class 5 criteria.

ABB’s IRB 360 Flex­pick­er has been the leader in state-of-the-art high speed robot­ic pick­ing and pack­ing tech­nol­o­gy. It is tru­ly supe­ri­or with its excep­tion­al motion con­trol, inte­grat­ed sys­tem of index­ing belts and vision soft­ware, short cycle times, and accuracy. 


3 kg
1130 mm
0.1 mm
120 kg

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