ABB S4C Controller

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ABB Robot Controllers

The ABB S4C is the replace­ment of the S4 con­troller, but was cre­at­ed to be small­er and low­er as the C” rep­re­sents com­pact. The major­i­ty of the com­put­er sys­tem stayed the same with a few updates to the hard­ware and soft­ware. It is a self-opti­miz­ing con­troller that offers extra­or­di­nary user-adapt­abil­i­ty, per­for­mance, and reli­a­bil­i­ty with a fast boot up time and min­i­mal down­time. The S4C is con­fig­urable and scale-able, the S4C is a mul­ti-proces­sor sys­tem that can con­trol a sin­gle robot arm or a com­plex work­cell sys­tem. The S4C is also much eas­i­er to feed with data as it has an option­al Eth­er­net connection. 

If nec­es­sary, it can be fit­ted with more than the 16 I/O inputs and out­puts and can also work as a PLC by con­trol­ling and mon­i­tor­ing I/O sig­nals. The S4C also offers quick accel­er­a­tion rates and incred­i­ble accu­ra­cy with Quick­Move func­tions. The teach pen­dant for the ABB S4C is light­weight and portable and offers a joy­stick and key­pad with 5 user-des­ig­nat­ed keys with a 16 line display. 

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1216 Heil Quaker Blvd
La Vergne, TN 37086