Fanuc R-30iA Mate Controller

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Fanuc Robot
Fanuc Robot Controllers

The com­pact R‑30iA Mate con­troller is built on the reli­a­bil­i­ty of the stan­dard Fanuc R‑30iA con­troller. How­ev­er, the mate offers flex­i­bil­i­ty as it is avail­able as a rack mount that fits into a stan­dard 19″ elec­tron­ics rack. This con­troller offers huge ben­e­fits such as increased up-time, fast start up time (less than 1 minute), and a quick restart when nec­es­sary. In the event of a pow­er fail­ure, the robot has already mem­o­rized its move­ments. This resume hot start func­tion enables for a safe restart­ing and the imme­di­ate con­tin­u­ing of pro­duc­tion with­out re-doing the whole move­ment. Upon restart­ing, the pro­gram checks whether the robot has moved out of tol­er­ances to avoid unex­pect­ed move­ments and/​or col­li­sions. There is min­i­mal main­te­nance require­ments as there are a small num­ber of com­po­nents, all with quick access. 

The R‑30iA Mate makes robot pro­grams sim­ple to down­load and/​or upload and its I/O uses elec­tri­cal sig­nals allow­ing the robot to con­trol grip­pers and oth­er exter­nal tools. All of these attrib­ut­es are use­ful in cli­mate-con­trolled appli­ca­tions such as food lab, phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal, med­ical, and edu­ca­tion­al settings.

The R‑30iA Mate inter­faces with the stan­dard Fanuc iPen­dant for easy pro­gram­ming. The iPen­dant is a col­or, Inter­net-ready teach pendant.

As an addi­tion­al option, there is iRVi­sion available. 

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1216 Heil Quaker Blvd
La Vergne, TN 37086