Robot Maintenance: Grease and Robotic Gears

Oct 3, 2018

Robotic grease allows industrial robotic arms to function smoothly and help tackle all of the wear. It is important to understand how to properly care and how often to replace robot grease in order to prolong the service life of the system. Contact today to learn more about robot maintenance and specifically the care of grease and robotic gears.

Grease allows indus­tri­al robot­ic arms to func­tion prop­er­ly, smooth­ly, and with­stand wear. Replac­ing robot grease is an impor­tant part of pre­ven­ta­tive main­te­nance and should be reg­u­lar­ly sched­uled accord­ing to the man­u­al of your spe­cif­ic robot brand and model. 

Robot Grease

Greas­ing Robots with Plan­e­tary Gear Reduc­tion Units

Dif­fer­ent greas­es are used for dif­fer­ent mechan­i­cal com­po­nents and dif­fer­ent main­te­nance tasks. Robots with plan­e­tary gear reduc­tion units require grease replen­ish­ment every year. This process involves pump­ing the old grease out of the gear by inputting new grease into the unit. Plan­e­tary gear reduc­tion units also require re-greas­ing when they are replaced.


Moly­White, a het­eroge­nous mix­ture of grease and oil, has long been a stand­by for lubri­cat­ing robot­ic gears. It is impor­tant to know that the oil tends to sep­a­rate from the mix­ture and leak out of the seals, which are designed to keep out grease, not oil. The break­down of Moly­White robot grease can be caused by heat and oth­er fac­tors. A lot of times, the oil leak­ing gives the impres­sion that the seals are bro­ken, but they are actu­al­ly fine. 


This Japan­ese robot grease aims to elim­i­nate some of the issues asso­ci­at­ed with pre­vi­ous robot grease options. While it con­tains many of the same ingre­di­ents, Vigo grease is less vis­cous than Moly­White and is report­ed to offer supe­ri­or per­for­mance. Many man­u­fac­tur­er are switch­ing from Moly­white to VIGO grease because it con­tains a larg­er quan­ti­ty of EP (extreme pres­sure) addi­tives such as Mollyb­de­num and Zinc compounds. 

Syn­thet­ic Lubricants

Robots​.com has its own line of robot­ic greas­es (to include vari­ants of Moly­White and VIGO) that include syn­thet­ics to enhance per­for­mance and longevi­ty of the robot. We have worked with engi­neers spe­cial­iz­ing in aero­space grade oils and lubri­cants to cre­ate a high­er grade grease for indus­tri­al robots. This par­tic­u­lar oil under­goes high­er lev­els of inspec­tion and scruti­ny, ensur­ing the best quality. 

One exam­ple of a high per­for­mance Robots​.com lubri­cant is the RWVG1, also called RW Tri­bol­ube VG1. It is a lithi­um-soap-thick­ened syn­thet­ic grease that is designed to per­form well under extreme pres­sure and heat. It’s oxi­da­tion resis­tance prop­er­ties make it rust resis­tant and able to under­go more wear and tear before need­ing replace­ment. The base-oil con­sists of syn­thet­ic hydro­car­bon oils & min­er­al oil. 

Greas­ing Oth­er Robot Components

A few oth­er robot com­po­nents also require greas­ing. For bear­ings and link arms, the wheel bear­ing grease” Alva­nia EP2 is typ­i­cal­ly used. Robots with har­mon­ic dri­ves rarely require grease replace­ment. How­ev­er, when required (per­haps when a motor is replaced), a thick­er grease is used. 

Robot Grease Schedule

With­out the prop­er robot grease, reduc­tion gears can break down and jam. Keep sched­uled reminders to check gears and pre­ven­ta­tive main­te­nance checks to extend the life of your robot. Always fol­low the guid­ance pro­vid­ed in your spe­cif­ic robot man­u­al. Robots​.com offers var­i­ous robot grease options in a selec­tion of sizes. 

Are you look­ing to recon­di­tion or main­te­nance your robot entire­ly? We offer 3 lev­els of recon­di­tion­ing ser­vice options to get your robot back in tip-top shape. 

Con­tact the parts depart­ment online or call 8777626881 for pric­ing and more information. 

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