Fanuc LR Mate 200iC

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Faster and more com­pact than its pre­de­ces­sors, the Fanuc LR Mate 200iC robot arm’s high-posi­tion­ing accu­ra­cy and table­top size make it ide­al for a vari­ety of automa­tion appli­ca­tions, includ­ing mate­r­i­al han­dling, machine tend­ing and assem­bly. The size of a human arm, the mini LR Mate 200iC moves with 152 per­cent more speed and 50 per­cent more accu­ra­cy than the ear­li­er models. 

The entire 200iC series is a super impres­sive, table-top size robot that is light weight, main­tains a slim pro­file, has high dex­ter­i­ty, and pro­duces faster sus­tained speeds with supe­ri­or posi­tion­ing accu­ra­cy. The 200iC mini series is dri­ven by elec­tric ser­vos and is rat­ed best-in-class wrist momen­tum and iner­tias for real world EOATs due to its light, effi­cient, accu­rate, and nim­ble pack­age. Depend­ing on the mod­el, it can include 5 or 6 degrees of free­dom, up to 5 kg pay­load at the wrist, and +/-0.02 or +/-0.03 repeatability. 

The stan­dard 200/​iC R30iA can han­dle a 5kg pay­load. The robot­’s tool­ing and inte­gra­tion is sim­pli­fied by strate­gi­cal­ly locat­ed pneu­mat­ic and elec­tri­cal con­nec­tions and two dual-action sole­noid valves.

The 200iC is designed for Light, Effi­cient, Accu­rate and Nim­ble (LEAN) per­for­mance. It offers excep­tion­al ver­sa­til­i­ty, can be mount­ed almost any­where (floor, table­top, angle, invert­ed or inside of machines), and it fits eas­i­ly in tight, nar­row areas. Fur­ther­more, with the same foot­print and wrist-bolt pat­tern as the pre­vi­ous mod­el, the Fanuc 200iC is eas­i­ly upgrad­ed. It has an enclosed mechan­i­cal design that elim­i­nates cables and hose snagging.

Some of the ben­e­fits of robots in this series include two, dou­ble-act­ing sole­noid valves that are inte­grat­ed into the fore­arm to sim­pli­fy EOAT dres­sout; con­ve­nient­ly locat­ed pneu­mat­ic and elec­tri­cal con­nec­tions for EOAT at J4; the abil­i­ty to flip over back­wards to gain a larg­er work enve­lope; mul­ti­ple mount­ing options; and an enclosed mechan­i­cal design to elim­i­nate cable and hose snag­ging. There are also addi­tion­al fea­tures that are avail­able as options such as intel­li­gent func­tions (iRVi­sion), IP67 rat­ings to help the robot with­stand a harsh envi­ron­ment, and extend­ed net­work I/O capabilities. 

The flex­i­bil­i­ty of the LRMate 200iC extends to the indus­tries it ser­vices. One exam­ple, the food indus­try, uses the LR Mate 200ic/​5F, to accom­mo­date food pro­duc­tion envi­ron­ments and appli­ca­tions. This ver­sion of the 200iC is com­plete­ly food-safe and suit­able for both pri­ma­ry and sec­ondary food prod­ucts (those with and with­out pack­ag­ing). If your appli­ca­tion requires an extra logn reach, than you may want to con­sid­er the LRmate 200iC/​5L.

Each recon­di­tioned robot has gone through a very metic­u­lous refur­bish­ment process. The new and used Fanuc 200/​iC is not con­fined to the food indus­try though; it is also an ide­al solu­tion for a vari­ety of indus­tries, includ­ing the phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal, clean­room, plas­tics and med­ical indus­tries. The 200iC can be paired with a R‑30iA or the R‑30iA Mate.

5 kg
704 mm
0.02 mm
27 kg
Floor, Inverted, Angle

350 °/s (6.11 rad/s)
350 °/s (6.11 rad/s)
400 °/s (6.98 rad/s)
450 °/s (7.85 rad/s)
450 °/s (7.85 rad/s)
720 °/s (12.57 rad/s)


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