
Intro­duc­ing the IRB 930: ABB’s High-Pay­load SCARA Robot

ABB presents the IRB 930, avail­able with 12-kg or 22-kg pay­load options, enhanc­ing through­put by up to 10% with its top-tier speed, accu­ra­cy, inter­nal cabling, and excep­tion­al down­ward force. Ide­al for elec­tron­ics, auto­mo­tive elec­tric vehi­cles, solar, and con­sumer goods, it excels in assem­bly, mate­r­i­al han­dling, pick and place, and screw dri­ving applications.

Increased Through­put and High Payload

With high­er pay­load capac­i­ties, the IRB 930 han­dles more objects in less time, increas­ing through­put by up to 10%. This capa­bil­i­ty allows the use of sophis­ti­cat­ed tools and grip­pers for del­i­cate tasks.

Excep­tion­al Performance

Pow­ered by the Omni­Core con­troller, the IRB 930 fea­tures True­Move and Quick­Move tech­nolo­gies, achiev­ing a cycle time of 0.38 sec­onds and a repeata­bil­i­ty devi­a­tion of 0.01 mm, boost­ing pro­duc­tion rates while ensur­ing high-qual­i­ty standards.

Extra­or­di­nary Down­ward Force

Deliv­er­ing a max­i­mum down­ward force of 250N, the IRB 930 dou­bles the screw-dri­ving capac­i­ty of oth­er robots, suit­able for elec­tron­ic appli­ca­tions and green ener­gy sec­tors like EV bat­ter­ies and solar panels.

Opti­mized Space and Connectivity

Inter­nal cabling elim­i­nates exter­nal tube inter­fer­ence, sav­ing up to 20% space. The larg­er diam­e­ter air hose pro­vides up to 30% faster suc­tion, han­dling mul­ti­ple objects effi­cient­ly. With up to 20 I/O con­nec­tors, it sup­ports advanced grip­pers and end effec­tors for com­plex tasks.

Main Appli­ca­tions

  • Assem­bly
  • Pick­ing and placing
  • Mate­r­i­al handling
  • Screw dri­ving
  • Pack­ag­ing

The IRB 930 SCARA robot is a pow­er­ful, effi­cient addi­tion to any pro­duc­tion line across var­i­ous industries.

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1216 Heil Quaker Blvd
La Vergne, TN 37086