Fanuc ARC Mate 50iB/3L
The Fanuc ARC Mate 50iB/3L arc-welding robot features a long reach for maximum flexibility. The Arc Mate 50iB/3L RJ3iB welding robot has an 856 millimeter horizontal reach allows for a wide work envelope. With a +/- 0.04 millimeter repeatability and a 3 kilogram maximum payload capacity, a light-weight arc welding torch will weld parts with extreme accuracy and precision.
The Fanuc Arc Mate 50iB/3L has a compact body designed to perform within confined spaces, and having the versatility to work in extremely small welding cells or cells with a high density. Furthermore, the 50iB/3L has plenty of installation flexibility and can be mounted on the floor, angle, ceiling, or tabletop. The overall smaller footprint means that companies with limited floor space can also use this robot. also offers a used Fanuc ARC Mate 50iB/3L that has gone through an intense reconditioning process.
Motion Speed
Motion Range
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