The new KUKA LBR IIWA 7 R800 collaborative robot is lightweight and made of aluminum. Its 7 axis of freedom allows it to be flexible and precise, while its extreme sensors contribute to its safety and ability to work with humans. The Kuka LBR IIWA7 R800 has sensors in the robot itself, rather than just the end effector. Because of this, it can detect movement at all angles. The LBR IIWA7 R800 can be programmed simply by moving it with your hand. Its rounded shape creates a comfortable contact, with no sharp edges or pinch points. The KUKA LBR IIWA 7 R800 can handle up to 7 kg payload, and only weighs about 24 kg. Interested in learning more about the advanced KUKA collaborative LBR IIWA7 R800 robot? Contact Robots.com today at 877−762−6881.
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