Motoman EA1400N
The EA1400N is Motoman’s popular welding robot arm paired with the powerful NX100controller.
The EA 1400N Motoman welder is a ceiling and wall mountable robot designed for floor plan flexibility. This EA-1400N variation allows you to work from above or the side, streamlining your workplace.
To offer another cost savings option, also offers used Motoman EA1400N robots. The experts at take pride in their reconditioned robots as all refurbished robots go through a very meticulous refurbishment process.
This slim Motoman manipulator sports an integrated cabling and wiring system for easy programming and added safety. This design speeds up the EA1400N Motoman welding robot movements and allows for better parts accessibility. Motoman designed this robot for easy torch and cable changing.
The sophisticated NX100 controller keeps every motion of the Motoman EA 1400N insync and stores parameters and programs.
Motion Speed
Motion Range
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