ABB makes Robotic MIG/MAG welding affordable

Mar 21, 2013

ABB has been able to increase the production lines effectiveness with their incredible MIG and MAG robot arms. They produce these arms for all types of industries, large and small and make sure that their products truly increase efficiency and reduce production costs.


ABB is mak­ing robot­ic met­al inert gas/​metal active gas (MIG/MAG) weld­ing afford­able for indus­tries, large and small. The com­pa­ny is a world leader in pow­er and automa­tion tech­nolo­gies that enable industies to improve their performance.

MIG/MAG weld­ing, also known as gas met­al arc weld­ing (GMAW), is a process where an elec­tric arc forms from a con­sum­able wire elec­trode and a piece of met­al. The elec­tri­cal arc caus­es the met­al to melt and join with anoth­er work piece. Automat­ing this process not only speeds up the weld­ing process, but also improves safe­ty stan­dards with­in the indus­try, keep­ing work­ers away from the haz­ardous fumes that can be caused by the weld­ing process.

One of their arc weld­ing robots, the IRB 1410 Arc­Pack, is a top qual­i­ty auto­mat­ed robot­ic weld­ing pack­age. It con­tains all of the com­po­nents nec­es­sary to under­take steel arc weld­ing.

The IRB 1410 gives cus­tomers fast, reli­able work and high-qual­i­ty welds, cut­ting down on pro­duc­tion time and keep­ing costs down. The 1410 has low noise lev­els and a long ser­vice life, max­i­miz­ing sav­ings for the con­sumer.

For more infor­ma­tion about MIG/MAG weld­ing and how to auto­mate your weld­ing process, con­tact our sales team online today or give them a call at 8777626881.

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