Avoiding the Mess: Push Connectors Reduce Spatter

Jun 30, 2013

Weld spatter can affect the quality of the welding area and cause issues with the final product. Push connectors help to prevent spatter build-up in the lines.


Weld spat­ter, the small par­ti­cles of non-metal­lic mate­r­i­al expelled dur­ing the fusion of met­als dur­ing weld­ing, is a big prob­lem for weld­ing appli­ca­tions. Robot­ic push con­nec­tors can help cut down on the occur­rence of spatter.

Spat­ter is a prob­lem because it can cause dis­con­ti­nu­ity to the weld, either by inter­fer­ing with the ser­vice­abil­i­ty of the work piece, or by caus­ing issues with anoth­er appli­ca­tion for the piece, like coat­ing or paint­ing.

By using push con­nec­tors on the air and water tub­ing for robot­ic weld­ing equip­ment, man­u­fac­tur­ers can help pre­vent spat­ter build-up in the lines. These robot­ic push con­nec­tors, along with the hoses they con­nect, can han­dle tem­per­a­tures as low as ‑40 degrees or as high as 140 degrees.

A push con­nec­tor and flex­i­ble tub­ing are also spark resis­tant, some­thing that is a require­ment of pneu­mat­ic con­trol sys­tems on weld­ing robots. Since robot­ic con­nec­tors are made of mate­ri­als like nick­el-plat­ed brass, they are resis­tant to shock, cor­ro­sion and sparks.

Push con­nec­tors also sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduce assem­bly time for hoses and cables. All the con­nec­tors come pre-assem­bled and pro­vide tub­ing with a leak-free con­nec­tion. This allows the robot­ic welders to get up and run­ning quick­er, mean­ing less down­time for pro­duc­tion lines.

Basi­cal­ly, while robot push con­nec­tors are just a small ele­ment in the robot­ic weld­ing sys­tem, they are an inte­gral part of the safe­ty sys­tem, keep­ing the tubes from spark­ing and pre­vent­ing spat­ter build-up.

Robots​.com helps all their cus­tomers cus­tomize the right safe­ty and dress pack­ages for their robots and robot­ic sys­tems, right down to the push con­nec­tors and tubing.

For more infor­ma­tion about push con­nec­tors and oth­er safe­ty options avail­able for weld­ing robots, con­tact Robots​.com online or at 8777626881.

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