Cars Made of Aluminum

Feb 6, 2012

The automobile industry is hugely reliant on industrial robots as they are strong, powerful, and able to increase the value of the production line. Robots are able to produce a very precise and consistent product for less money.


Indus­tri­al Robots in the Auto Industry 

Today most indus­tri­al robots are used in the auto indus­try; as many as 50% work on assem­bly lines such as the ones used to pro­duce alu­minum made cars. Robots are ben­e­fi­cial in auto man­u­fac­tur­ing because they are more pre­cise than humans and can work more effi­cient­ly. Robots can pro­duce a con­sis­tent prod­uct for less mon­ey for the man­u­fac­tur­er. Indus­tri­al robots always put forth the same amount of effort no mat­ter how long they have been work­ing. In fact they can work around the clock because they do not require breaks, vaca­tion, or sick days, speed­ing up the pro­duc­tion process. They also help to reduce work­er injuries by per­form­ing jobs that are dan­ger­ous to humans. The accu­rate engi­neer­ing of robots makes them para­mount in man­u­fac­tur­ing cars made of aluminum.

Why are Cars Made From Aluminum?

With the lag­ging econ­o­my many peo­ple are look­ing for a more afford­able option when it comes to choos­ing an auto­mo­bile, luck­i­ly the auto indus­try is now pro­duc­ing cars made from alu­minum. Alu­minum made cars are lighter and more fuel effi­cient than oth­er auto­mo­biles. Cars made from Alu­minum accel­er­ate faster, stop short­er, and can absorb 2 times the ener­gy in a crash as opposed to steel cars. They also help to pro­tect the envi­ron­ment since they can be recy­cled and require less engine power.

Robots​.com car­ries some of the top mod­els used in today auto­mo­tive indus­try such as the Motoman UP130. The UP 130 that uses advanced Sig­ma motors to pro­duce high, and pow­er­ful speeds. It is also a com­pact, slim design robot that requires a small foot­print, while main­tain­ing a large reach, up to 2,650 mm. 

Oth­er pop­u­lar units in auto man­u­fac­tur­ing car­ried by Robots​.com include the Fanuc R‑2000 series, the Fanuc ARC Mate series, the Motoman UP6, and Motoman UP20.

For a quick quote please con­tact Robots​.com at 8777626881.

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