Clean, High Quality Welds with Fanuc Used TIG Welding Robots

Oct 2, 2023

Purchasing a used Fanuc TIG welding robot for your manufacturing line will help to increase the productivity on your manufacturing line at a more affordable price. Because TIG welding is one of the most popular robotic welding applications, there are a wide range of used TIG welding robots available on the market. In general, a TIG welding robot cuts down on the amount of gases that are necessary for the welding of different metals. A used TIG welder can also weld more metals than any other welder or welding process on the market.

Two Fanuc welding robots

TIG Weld­ing: A Cor­ner­stone of Robot­ic Welding

Tung­sten Inert Gas (TIG) weld­ing has firm­ly estab­lished itself as a cor­ner­stone of mod­ern robot­ic weld­ing appli­ca­tions. Its ver­sa­til­i­ty and pre­ci­sion make it a go-to choice for man­u­fac­tur­ers across var­i­ous indus­tries. Remark­ably, even old­er TIG weld­ing robots, par­tic­u­lar­ly those from the esteemed Fanuc Robot­ics, con­tin­ue to play a vital role in today’s mar­ket as used mod­els. In this arti­cle, we’ll delve into the advan­tages and cost-effec­tive­ness of har­ness­ing the pow­er of used Fanuc TIG weld­ing robots.

TIG weld­ing is one of the most high­ly used robot­ic weld­ing appli­ca­tions on the mar­ket today. So high­ly used, in fact, that many of the old­er TIG weld­ing robots, like those from Fanuc Robot­ics, are still avail­able on the mar­ket today as used mod­els. Used Fanuc TIG weld­ing robots are able to offer man­u­fac­tur­ers high qual­i­ty welds, while also improv­ing the cost effec­tive­ness of the robot overall. 

Cost-Effec­tive Pre­ci­sion: The Pow­er of Used Fanuc TIG Welders

A used Fanuc TIG robot­ic welder is an advan­tage to any man­u­fac­tur­er who wants to save mon­ey. A used TIG welder from Fanuc cuts down on the amount of gas­es that need to be used for dif­fer­ent weld­ing process­es or dif­fer­ent met­als – it can use Argon gas for all of them. A used TIG welder is also able to weld more met­als than any oth­er welder and weld­ing process on the mar­ket. That means you will get more bang for your buck by cut­ting down on the amount of weld­ing equip­ment you need to pur­chase. The cost makes it more cost effec­tive as well. A used Fanuc TIG robot weld­ing sys­tem is going to cost up to 50 per­cent less than a new mod­el, and it is just as effec­tive when it comes to the speed, pre­ci­sion and qual­i­ty of the appli­ca­tion process. 

For man­u­fac­tur­ers seek­ing to max­i­mize effi­cien­cy and min­i­mize costs, invest­ing in a used Fanuc TIG robot­ic welder proves to be a strate­gic move. These robots excel in deliv­er­ing high-qual­i­ty welds, all while enhanc­ing over­all cost-effectiveness.

One of the stand­out ben­e­fits of a used Fanuc TIG weld­ing robot is its abil­i­ty to opti­mize gas usage. Unlike some weld­ing process­es that demand dif­fer­ent gas­es for var­i­ous met­als, a TIG welder can effi­cient­ly uti­lize Argon gas across the board. This gas ver­sa­til­i­ty not only sim­pli­fies weld­ing oper­a­tions but also reduces the expense asso­ci­at­ed with procur­ing and man­ag­ing mul­ti­ple gases.

Fur­ther­more, a used Fanuc TIG welder boasts the remark­able capa­bil­i­ty to weld a wide range of met­als. This ver­sa­til­i­ty means you can achieve more with few­er weld­ing equip­ment invest­ments, ulti­mate­ly increas­ing your cost sav­ings. The ini­tial cost of a used Fanuc TIG robot weld­ing sys­tem can be up to 50 per­cent less than a new mod­el, mak­ing it a cost-effec­tive choice with­out com­pro­mis­ing speed, pre­ci­sion, or weld quality.

Stream­lined Pro­duc­tion: A Clean and Effi­cient Weld­ing Solution

Beyond cost sav­ings, a used Fanuc TIG weld­ing robot sig­nif­i­cant­ly enhances pro­duc­tion effi­cien­cy. It not only accel­er­ates the weld­ing process but also min­i­mizes post-weld cleanup require­ments. The result? A pris­tine, high-qual­i­ty weld that often requires min­i­mal pol­ish­ing or grind­ing, trans­lat­ing to time and labor savings.

There are oth­er advan­tages to pur­chas­ing a used TIG welder from Fanuc. Not only will the welder speed up the time it takes to weld a work piece, but it will also cut down on post weld cleanup by cre­at­ing a clean, high qual­i­ty weld that will not need a lot of pol­ish­ing or grinding. 

Why Choose a Used Fanuc TIG Weld­ing Robot?

  • Bud­get-Friend­ly: Opt­ing for a used Fanuc TIG weld­ing robot presents an oppor­tu­ni­ty to save sig­nif­i­cant­ly on your invest­ment while retain­ing top-notch performance.
  • Gas Effi­cien­cy: By rely­ing on Argon gas for var­i­ous weld­ing needs, you stream­line gas man­age­ment and reduce expenses.
  • Ver­sa­til­i­ty: The abil­i­ty to weld a wide range of met­als means you can achieve more with few­er equip­ment purchases.
  • Speed and Pre­ci­sion: Used Fanuc TIG weld­ing robots main­tain the same lev­el of speed, pre­ci­sion, and weld qual­i­ty as their new counterparts.
  • Reduced Cleanup: These robots deliv­er clean, high-qual­i­ty welds that often require min­i­mal post-weld cleanup.

Your Trust­ed Part­ner in TIG Weld­ing Robot­ics: Robots​.com

Are you eager to explore the world of Fanuc used TIG weld­ing robots and unlock their poten­tial for your man­u­fac­tur­ing needs? Robots​.com, a trust­ed provider of robot­ics solu­tions, offers robots from var­i­ous lead­ing man­u­fac­tur­ers, includ­ing Fanuc, Motoman, KUKA, and ABB. Our expe­ri­enced team is ded­i­cat­ed to help­ing you find the per­fect used sys­tem to match your com­pa­ny’s require­ments and budget.

Are you inter­est­ed in learn­ing more about Fanuc used TIG weld­ing robots? Do you think that one might be a good fit in your shop? Then you should call Robots​.com pro­vides robots from sev­er­al dif­fer­ent robot­ics com­pa­nies, includ­ing Fanuc, Motoman, KUKA and ABB. Our staff will work with you to find you the right used sys­tem for your com­pa­ny and budget. 

For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact Robots​.com online or at 8777626881.

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