Cutting Pork Sides with KUKA Meat Processing Automation

Jan 5, 2015

KUKA meat processing automation helps to bring a higher quality cut of meat for the customer every time. A KUKA meat processing robot can continually produce the same cut every time, with reduced wastes and errors. It is easy to see how integrating a KUKA meat processing robot onto your production line will improve the overall productivity on your cutting line.


Pre­ci­sion is very impor­tant when it comes to the process of cut­ting meats, like pork and beef. Each part has to be cut a cer­tain way, or it can ruin the aes­thet­ic of that piece of meat and cause it to be mar­ket­ed in a less expen­sive prod­uct. KUKA Robot­ics has devel­oped an automa­tion sys­tem for cut­ting pork sides that improves the cost effec­tive­ness of the meat pro­cess­ing, as well as pro­duc­ing a high­er qual­i­ty cut of meat for the consumer.

Many times when meat cut­ting and pro­cess­ing is per­formed man­u­al­ly, there are many errors that can cause the meat to become a low­er qual­i­ty cut. This is not an issue for KUKA meat pro­cess­ing auto­mat­ed cut­ting sys­tems. These sys­tems are able to con­tin­ue long cuts, like car­ry­ing out the cut along the back­bone of the pig, accord­ing to KUKA Robot­ics. Not only does this improve the cut­ting tech­nique, but it recov­ers 3 per­cent more bacon dur­ing the process, which increas­es the amount of prod­uct the com­pa­ny can sell.

Anoth­er advan­tage to cut­ting pork sides with KUKA meat pro­cess­ing automa­tion sys­tems is that you get a high­er qual­i­ty of meat, as men­tioned above. The cuts are made quick­ly, and since they are pre-cuts, the entire side of pork remains togeth­er until it is time for through-cuts and pack­ag­ing. This pro­tects the meat bet­ter until pack­ag­ing occurs. Also, KUKA stat­ed that their cut­ting robots are able to exe­cute the process bet­ter with­out the film of grease or ground-up par­ti­cles typ­i­cal in man­u­al cut­ting sys­tems, which means a prod­uct that is clean­er and has few con­t­a­m­i­nates, some­thing that is so impor­tant when deal­ing with fresh food.

Are you inter­est­ed in learn­ing more about meat pro­cess­ing automa­tion from KUKA Robot­ics? Then you should con­tact Robots​.com pro­vides robots from sev­er­al dif­fer­ent robot­ics com­pa­nies, includ­ing KUKA Robot­ics. Our staff will work with you to help you build and cus­tomize each step of your inte­gra­tion process.

For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact Robots​.com today at 8777626881 or reach experts online. Learn more about Meat Pro­cess­ing Automa­tion robots.

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