Deburring Automation - Smoothing Out the Rough Edges

Jun 30, 2013

Deburring automation can help get rid of rough edges in an easy to set up and use fashion with robotic automation deburring systems. Deburring robots can increase the quality of a product and produce better cycle times than manually deburring.


Rough around the edges? Invest in deburr automa­tion! When burrs, sharp edges, or fins are left on met­al parts after they have been cut, they are removed by a process called deburring. 

In the past, this task was per­formed man­u­al­ly. Recent­ly, com­pa­nies have been yield­ing the ben­e­fits of auto­mat­ic debur­ring. When the fin­ish is impor­tant, auto­mat­ed debur­ring is a more con­sis­tent choice since grind­ing work­ers deburr dif­fer­ent­ly, and cer­tain part geome­tries take longer than oth­ers. These vari­ables are reduced when the process is auto­mat­ed, as well as build extra capac­i­ty so that parts can be cut, deburred, and sent quick­ly to the next process. 

Still not con­vinced? Robots not only increase pre­ci­sion, which improves the qual­i­ty of a part, but they don’t get fatigued dur­ing a long shift. They can work end­less hours, and are more accu­rate, con­sis­tent, and time-effi­cient than a human.

Deburr options usu­al­ly include both radi­al­ly- and axi­al­ly-com­pli­ant debur­ring end of arm tools for robots. Both types of tools are use­ful in debur­ring a vari­ety of mate­ri­als, such as alu­minum, plas­tic, and steel.

Radi­al­ly-com­pli­ant debur­ring tools are tur­bine-dri­ven units espe­cial­ly equipped to remove part­ing lines or flash from parts. These type of tools com­pen­sate for sur­face irreg­u­lar­i­ties, which are inevitable. They require no oil, and have radi­al com­pli­ance. The high spin­dle speeds con­tribute to the opti­mum finish.

Axi­al­ly-com­pli­ant debur­ring tools are low-weight air tools with a float­ing rotary cut­ting burr. They are suit­ed for edge-debur­ring and cham­fer­ing of parts using a robot. The vane-type motor increas­es the torque in response to the demands of the debur­ring process. 

Rotary debur­ring has a 45-degree cut­ting angle with a con­stant force rid­ing on a cush­ion of air, which pro­vides com­pli­ance. The air pres­sure con­trols the con­stant axi­al force, and ensures the com­pli­ance is both lat­er­al and axial. 

For an effi­cient and effec­tive debur­ring process, automa­tion is the way to go. Robots​.com can help inte­grate debur­ring robots into your shop. For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact us or call 8777626881.

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