Fanuc welding uses multiple robot arms to weld automotive parts

Jul 9, 2013

​Fanuc robotics has created multiple solutions in the automotive industry that help to solve automation problems. Fanuc welders help to construct automobiles and other products using specific positioners and parts that help complete the automation process.


Fanuc, an indus­try leader in weld­ing robot­ics, has engi­neered Fanuc weld­ing equip­ment in the auto­mo­tive indus­try for years. Not only do Fanuc welders help con­struct auto­mo­biles on a pro­duc­tion line, they also weld togeth­er sep­a­rate auto­mo­bile parts.

One Fanuc weld­ing sys­tem uses two Fanuc M‑20iAs as the posi­tion­ers while two Fanuc ARC Mate 100iC robots weld the piece. This Fanuc weld­ing sys­tem is used to weld loose brack­ets onto auto­mo­bile exhaust sys­tems. The posi­tion­ers find and pick up loose brack­ets and the Fanuc weld­ing robots weld the brack­ets into place.

These Fanuc weld­ing robots have many advan­tages. The M‑20iA’s are flex­i­ble enough to load parts onto the part assem­bly, while also posi­tion­ing and coor­di­nat­ing the weld­ing, improv­ing the qual­i­ty of the welds.

The Fanuc M‑20iA is also com­pact, with high speed through­put and 0.10mm repeata­bil­i­ty. The Fanuc ARC Mate 100iC is a high-speed weld­ing robot with an extreme­ly large work enve­lope.

The ARC Mate 100iC Fanuc weld­ing robot pro­duces high-qual­i­ty welds, while also con­duct­ing the qual­i­ty con­trol and self-inspec­tion of the parts using their vision capabilities.

The speed of this sys­tem enhances the pro­duc­tiv­i­ty of the line by decreas­ing the cycle time between prod­ucts. The Fanuc welders also increase the qual­i­ty of the welds, which improves the qual­i­ty of the product.

For more infor­ma­tion about automat­ing your weld­ing sys­tem with Fanuc weld­ing robots, con­tact Robots​.com today online or at 8777626881.

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