Importance of Industrial Robot Periodic and Preventive Maintenance

Jul 22, 2019

There are two types of robotic maintenance, periodic and preventive. Both add significant value to keep your robot system up and running at top performance. Check out some of our recommended best practices and information about keep your robot maintained.


Hav­ing a sys­tem break­down is a night­mare for any busi­ness. To ensure small dam­ages are caught before a cost­ly break­down occurs, main­te­nance is vital. In the world of ser­vice and repair, many kinds of main­te­nance exist. The experts at Robots​.com rec­om­mend Peri­od­ic and Pre­ven­ta­tive main­te­nance to max­i­mize the per­for­mance of any robot­ic system. 

Peri­od­ic Maintenance

The most basic form of main­te­nance, peri­od­ic main­te­nance, is a sched­uled point in time that is sug­gest­ed by the man­u­fac­tur­er in order to inspect and upkeep key com­po­nents of your sys­tem. This type of main­te­nance is very sim­ple and is used to insure the prop­er func­tion of a robot on a day to day basis. This includes small tasks such as inspect­ing wire har­ness­es, tight­en­ing screws, lubri­cat­ing joints and per­form­ing a full-back­up on the work cell. Minor tasks like this will help pre­vent major issues from aris­ing in the future.

Pre­ven­tive Maintenance

Pre­ven­tive main­te­nance is a cal­cu­lat­ed sched­ule based on time, pro­duc­tion, and the envi­ron­ment the robot oper­ates in. The life cycle of a robot will be dif­fer­ent depend­ing on all of these vari­ables. Pre­ven­ta­tive main­te­nance will take all of this into con­sid­er­a­tion and cre­ate a main­te­nance sched­ule that will extend the sys­tems life to the fullest. 

Good Prac­tices For Maintenance

Main­te­nance is only ben­e­fi­cial if the per­son doing the inspec­tion is trained and pre­pared. When thou­sands or even mil­lions of dol­lars are on the line, a fool-proof main­te­nance rou­tine is important. 

Here are some good prac­tices that our experts sug­gest you take into con­sid­er­a­tion:

  • It’s impor­tant to keep spare parts on hand for a quick replace­ment. Oth­er­wise, you could be wait­ing days before you’re able to replace a part. 
  • Peri­od­ic main­te­nance is most com­mon­ly per­formed by trained oper­a­tors who work with the sys­tem on a dai­ly basis. This type of robot­ic main­te­nance usu­al­ly only takes 5 to 10 min­utes at the begin­ning or the end of a shift depend­ing on how big the sys­tem is.
  • The per­fect time for pre­ven­ta­tive main­te­nance is dur­ing sched­uled hol­i­day shut­downs. This avoids cut­ting into pro­duc­tion time and min­i­mizes the chances of a break down dur­ing pro­duc­tion hours.
  • Major pre­ven­ta­tive main­te­nance repairs, like a grease/​oil change or com­po­nent replace­ment, should be done by a pro­fes­sion­al. The dam­ages caused by these tasks not being done cor­rect­ly can cause a huge finan­cial blow to production.
  • The major item to focus on when per­form­ing pre­ven­tive main­te­nance is the system’s grease. The grease in a sys­tem pro­tects all the mov­ing parts from fric­tion and wear. Over time the grease starts to lose its vis­cos­i­ty due to heat and fric­tion and needs to be replaced.
  • Grease and oil have a shelf life that’s pro­vid­ed by the man­u­fac­tur­er. Once grease or oil gets close to the end of its shelf life, the min­er­als start to break down and will cause the sys­tems bush­ings and reduc­ers start to wear down. Robots​.com has its own grease that is supe­ri­or to the grease pro­vid­ed by the orig­i­nal man­u­fac­tur­er. Our Tri­bol­ube VG1 is a lithi­um-soap-thick­ened syn­thet­ic grease with excel­lent extreme pres­sure, anti-wear, anti-rust, and oxi­da­tion resis­tance prop­er­ties. Find out more details about this grease here.
  • It’s impor­tant to have the des­ig­nat­ed main­te­nance per­son­nel trained on pre­ven­tive main­te­nance to decrease the odds of sys­tem failure.
  • When doing pre­ven­tive main­te­nance, it’s very impor­tant to fol­low the man­u­fac­tur­er’s specs, instruc­tions, and timetable. The biggest cause of sys­tem fail­ure is when a man­u­fac­tur­er’s guide isn’t followed.


Stay­ing on the Peri­od­ic or Pre­ven­tive main­te­nance sched­ule will ben­e­fit the life of your sys­tem. It allows you to min­i­mize down­time and make adjust­ments or repairs with­out los­ing pro­duc­tion time. It is always best to have some­one trained to do your pre­ven­tive main­te­nance so that it is per­formed to the stan­dards of the manufacturer. 

Robots​.com offers pre­ven­ta­tive main­te­nance ser­vices to make sure your recon­di­tion­ing and repairs are all done cor­rect­ly. To request more infor­ma­tion on robot­ic main­te­nance, call us at 8777626881, or fill out our main­te­nance form.

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