Masterful Motion with the KUKA KR 6 Robot

Dec 7, 2015

​KUKA Robotics has been creating welding and manufacturing solutions for over 100 years. They have a strong reputation for providing robotic solutions that provide fluid motion and fast speeds. The KUKA KR6 is an example of a cost effective, lightweight materials, providing exceptional performance.

KUKA KR6 robot

KUKA Robot­ics is a branch of the larg­er com­pa­ny, KUKA, which has been inno­vat­ing weld­ing and oth­er man­u­fac­tur­ing solu­tions for more than 100 years. KUKA has a rep­u­ta­tion for build­ing strong robots with flu­id motion. The KUKA KR 6 is no excep­tion. This robot is ver­sa­tile, with a light­weight con­struc­tion, and it is built to last.

One of the best things about the KR 6 is its abil­i­ty to main­tain smooth motion dur­ing its appli­ca­tion process. The KR6 is made of cost effec­tive, light­weight mate­ri­als, which results in a good dynam­ic per­for­mance and a high resis­tance to vibra­tion, accord­ing to KUKA. This resis­tance to vibra­tion means more flu­id motion dur­ing the appli­ca­tion and less chance for error, which improves the qual­i­ty of the appli­ca­tion. The joints and gears of the KR6 are also almost vir­tu­al­ly free from any back­lash, which also gives it smoother motion dur­ing operation. 

The KUKA KR6 has been built to last. This robot has a 10 – 15 year ser­vice life, on aver­age, with a pos­si­bil­i­ty of longer with reg­u­lar main­te­nance and repairs. Since the robot com­po­nents are straight­for­ward and sim­ply designed, they can eas­i­ly be replaced and repaired. The entire robot can be replaced with a new unit with­out any major pro­gram cor­rec­tions, accord­ing to KUKA. Also, the axes do not require an oil change until 20,000 oper­at­ing hours, at the ear­li­est, which cuts down on main­te­nance costs. 

The KUKA KR 6 is a six-axis robot that is able to per­form a wide range of point-to-point and con­tin­u­ous-path tasks. Some of these appli­ca­tions include mate­r­i­al han­dling, assem­bly, bond­ing, seal­ing, and mate­r­i­al removal. This lev­el of ver­sa­til­i­ty means that the KR6 can be use­ful to many dif­fer­ent man­u­fac­tur­ing indus­tries like the auto­mo­tive, aero­space, and con­sumer goods indus­tries. The KR 6 can also be mount­ed to the floor, wall, or ceil­ing, giv­ing the man­u­fac­tur­er more ver­sa­til­i­ty in the robot sys­tem layout. 

All of these design details ensure that the KR6 is a reli­able robot with fast, smooth motion, and an easy main­te­nance schedule. 

Are you inter­est­ed in learn­ing more about KUKA KR 6 robot, or oth­er robots in the KUKA line? If so, you should call the sales team at Robots​.com. Our staff will work with you to help you find the best robot sys­tem for your facil­i­ty, appli­ca­tion, and bud­get. Call Robots​.com today at 8777626881 or you can reach experts online.

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