One Stop Shop for Motoman Controllers

Mar 4, 2017 is proud to offer a large range of both new and used Motoman robot controllers. Motoman controllers help to increase the productivity of your line and will bring a quick ROI to your automated system. If you are interested in integrating a Motoman system today, contact the experts at

Yaskawa Motoman Robot Controllers

Below, you will find a list of all of the Motoman con­trollers that are avail­able.

Motoman ERC Controller:

Descrip­tion: The Motoman ERC con­troller fea­tures the abil­i­ty to con­trol up to 12 axes. It offers elec­tron­ic seam track­ing and mul­ti-lay­er func­tions. It does not require exter­nal sen­sors and seam track­ing devices. INFORM pro­grams are inputted with the ERC teach pen­dant using coor­di­nates and step-by-step posi­tion con­trol. The ERC teach pen­dant has a 12-char­ac­ter dis­play and a three-posi­tion dead­man’s handle.

  • Dimen­sions: 7001140580
  • Mass (kg): N/A
  • Pow­er: 3‑Phase, 200220 VAC at 5060 Hz
  • Dig­i­tal I/O: 55 inputs, 35 out­puts expand­able to 96 inputs 44 outputs
  • Pro­gram Mem­o­ry: 2,200 steps and 1,200 instruc­tions, extends to 10,000 and 5,000
  • Max­i­mum Axis Con­trol: Up to 12 Axes
  • Simul­ta­ne­ous Robot Con­trol: No
  • Inter­face: N/A
  • Pen­dant Dimen­sions (mm): 165300
  • Pen­dant Dis­play: 12-char­ac­ter
  • Pen­dant Lan­guages: N/A
  • Pen­dant Weight (kg): 0.9
  • Inter­face: N/A
  • Pen­dant O/S: N/A
  • Pro­gram­ming Lan­guage: INFORM

Motoman MRC Con­troller:

Descrip­tion: The Motoman MRC con­troller will not dis­ap­point with its upgrad­ed per­for­mance and reli­a­bil­i­ty through a unique 32-bit mul­ti-proces­sor struc­ture. Coop­er­a­tive and inde­pen­dent con­trol can be accom­plished by oper­at­ing two robots either togeth­er or inde­pen­dent­ly, with the abil­i­ty to con­trol up to 21 axes. Inter­po­la­tion con­trol can be per­formed in coop­er­a­tion with the exter­nal axis, result­ing in sim­pli­fied pro­gram­ming. The MRC also offers the abil­i­ty for robot-like exter­nal axis teach­ing and con­cur­rent run­ning with robot con­trol jobs to help improve activ­i­ty cycle time. The MRC teach pen­dant fea­tures a 40-char­ac­ter by 12-line dis­play that is back­lit for ease of view­ing. All teach­ing oper­a­tions can be per­formed on the pen­dant with the direct open key enabling one touch dis­play of infor­ma­tion. This con­troller is capa­ble, how­ev­er, there are a vari­ety of new­er, more advanced con­trollers now avail­able includ­ing the XRC, NX100, and/​or DX100

  • Dimen­sions: 9001600650
  • Mass (kg): 190
  • Pow­er: 3‑Phase, 400÷415÷480 VAC at 5060 Hz
  • Dig­i­tal I/O: 48 inputs, 48 out­puts expand­able to 144 inputs 144 outputs
  • Pro­gram Mem­o­ry: 2,200 steps and 1,200 instruc­tions, extends to 60,000
  • Max­i­mum Axis Con­trol: Up to 21 Axes
  • Simul­ta­ne­ous Robot Con­trol: Up to 2 robots
  • Inter­face: N/A
  • Pen­dant Dimen­sions (mm): 211382
  • Pen­dant Dis­play: 12-line/40-char­ac­ter LCD dis­play, backlit
  • Pen­dant Lan­guages: Swedish, Eng­lish, French, Ital­ian, Span­ish, Finnish, German
  • Pen­dant Weight (kg): N/A
  • Inter­face: N/A
  • Pen­dant O/S: N/A
  • Pro­gram­ming Lan­guage: INFORM II

Motoman XRC Controller:

Descrip­tion: Deliv­er­ing high­er per­for­mance than oth­er Pen­tium-based con­trollers, the Motoman XRC con­troller offers an advanced 32-bit RISC proces­sor and dig­i­tal ser­vo dri­ves. Patent­ed mul­ti­ple robots syn­chro­nous con­trol allows this con­troller to con­trol up to four robots for max­i­mum pro­duc­tiv­i­ty. Built-in col­li­sion avoid­ance and a man­u­al brake release switch help this robot com­ply with cur­rent safe­ty stan­dards. The INFORM II lan­guage used by the XRC con­troller is icon-dri­ven and user-friend­ly. The award-win­ning, light­weight teach pen­dant is ergonom­i­cal­ly designed and sim­pli­fies pro­gram­ming. Win­dows-like menus dis­play on a graph­i­cal 5.7‑inch LED user inter­face with cross-cur­sor keys.

  • Dimen­sions: 7501100550
  • Mass (kg): 170
  • Pow­er: 3‑Phase, 240÷480÷575 VAC at 5060 Hz
  • Dig­i­tal I/O: 40 inputs, 40 out­puts expand­able to 256 inputs 256 outputs
  • Pro­gram Mem­o­ry: 5,000 steps and 3,000 instruc­tions, extends to 60,000 and 20,000
  • Max­i­mum Axis Con­trol: Up to 27 Axes
  • Simul­ta­ne­ous Robot Con­trol: Up to 3 robots
  • Inter­face: PC Flash Card (PCM­CIA) RS-232C (1 Channel)
  • Pen­dant Dimen­sions (mm): 190120
  • Pen­dant Dis­play: Graph­i­cal 5.7‑inch LED display
  • Pen­dant Lan­guages: Eng­lish, French, Ger­man, Japan­ese, Spanish
  • Pen­dant Weight (kg): 1.19
  • Inter­face: RS-232C
  • Pen­dant O/S: RS-232 for backup
  • Pro­gram­ming Lan­guage: INFORM II

Motoman NX100 Con­troller:

Descrip­tion: The Best-in-Class Motoman NX100 con­troller is packed with fea­tures that sim­pli­fy robot pro­gram­ming and increase pro­duc­tion time. The abil­i­ty to con­trol up to four robots with one pen­dant, and up to 36 axes includ­ing exter­nal devices, allows this con­troller to eas­i­ly han­dle mul­ti­ple tasks. Advanced Robot Motion con­trol pro­vides high-per­for­mance path accu­ra­cy and vibra­tion con­trol. Dual-chan­nel safe­ty fea­tures include enhanced E‑Stop func­tion­al­i­ty, inte­grat­ed speed mon­i­tor­ing, and man­u­al brake release for the robot. The NX100 elim­i­nates the need for a sep­a­rate PLC, pro­vid­ing sig­nif­i­cant cost sav­ings and decreas­ing sys­tem com­plex­i­ty. The NX100 teach pen­dant fea­tures a unique cross-shaped nav­i­ga­tion cur­sor that reduces teach­ing time by 30 per­cent. Oth­er fea­tures include a full-col­or touch dis­play, a com­pact flash slot for easy back-ups, and an option­al online trou­bleshoot­ing guide for expert sys­tem main­te­nance. Most oper­a­tor con­trols are locat­ed on the pen­dant, allow­ing the Motoman NX100 con­trol cab­i­net to be mount­ed remotely.

  • Spec­i­fi­ca­tions: Com­pli­ant with R15.06 – 1999 ANSI/RIA standard
  • Dimen­sions: 651200650
  • Mass (kg): 150 – 250
  • Pow­er: 3‑Phase, 240÷480÷575 VAC at 5060 Hz
  • Dig­i­tal I/O: 40 inputs, 40 out­puts expand­able to 1024 inputs 1024 outputs
  • Pro­gram Mem­o­ry: 60,000 steps and 10,000 instructions
  • Max­i­mum Axis Con­trol: Up to 36 Axes
  • Simul­ta­ne­ous Robot Con­trol: Up to 4 robots
  • Inter­face: Eth­er­net RS-232C
  • Pen­dant Dimen­sions (mm): 19933860
  • Pen­dant Dis­play: 6.5‑inch col­or touch screen, 640480 VGA
  • Pen­dant Lan­guages: Eng­lish, Ger­man, Japan­ese, Span­ish, Chinese
  • Pen­dant Weight (kg): 1.34
  • Inter­face: CF for backup
  • Pen­dant O/S: Win­dows CE
  • Pro­gram­ming Lan­guage: INFORM III icon-dri­ven programming

Motoman NXC100 Con­troller:

Descrip­tion: The Motoman NXC100 con­troller is a light­weight and com­pact con­troller that can eas­i­ly be mount­ed under con­vey­ors, in con­trol cab­i­nets, or in oth­er small places. It is an excel­lent con­troller for tack­ling small part han­dling, assem­bly, and pack­ag­ing and to be used with the HP3, HP3XF, HP5, and HP3L robots. The same amount of mem­o­ry and Win­dows CE pro­gram­ming is used as the stan­dard NX100. It also fea­tures four lev­els of pass­word secu­ri­ty for up to 100 users and offers unmatched connectivity.

Motoman MLX200 Con­troller:

Descrip­tion: The advanced Motoman MLX200 does not require a sep­a­rate pro­gram­ming lan­guage or con­troller, allow­ing for inte­gra­tion ease, and also enabling more appli­ca­tion pos­si­bil­i­ties. Fur­ther­more, this MLX200 enables floor space sav­ings and hard­ware reduc­tion options as the robot dri­ves are pan­el-mount­ed. The sin­gle appli­ca­tion devel­op­ment and reduced sys­tem com­plex­i­ty brings a quick time-to-mar­ket to the pro­duc­tion floor as there is just one pro­gram­mer required with a very sim­pli­fied con­trol scheme. Addi­tion­al­ly, there is a wide range of robots avail­able on this plat­form with pay­loads rang­ing from 5 – 300 kg.

Motoman MLX100 Con­troller:

Descrip­tion: The Motoman MLX100 con­troller works with Rock­well Con­trol­Logix to increase appli­ca­tion devel­op­ment speeds, ease inte­gra­tion and trou­bleshoot­ing, decrease main­te­nance, and help save floor space. This MLX100 has a wide­ly accept­ed and user-friend­ly pro­gram­ming inter­face allow­ing for a much eas­i­er train­ing and learn­ing process. Fur­ther­more, this con­troller can con­trol and pro­gram up to 2 robots in the same work­cell and has a com­plete robot kine­mat­ics solu­tion for the coor­di­nat­ed motion of the 4‑, 5‑, 6‑, and 7‑axis. There are a vari­ety of mate­r­i­al han­dling robots the MLX100 can pair with, includ­ing pick­ing, pack­ing, assem­bly, and pal­letiz­ing appli­ca­tions. Some of these mod­els include the MH5S, the MH5LS, the SIA20D, the MPK50, the MPL80, the MPL300, and many more. Also, be sure to check out the new, improved, and upgrad­ed mod­el of this con­troller, the MLX200

Motoman NXM100 Con­troller:

Descrip­tion: The com­pact Motoman NXM100 con­troller helps to save floor space and can eas­i­ly be mount­ed under­neath con­vey­ors or stacked to reduce floor space require­ments. It offers all of the advan­tages of the NX100 while tak­ing up less room! The high-per­for­mance NXM100 is an opti­mal con­troller for mate­r­i­al han­dling and pal­letiz­ing appli­ca­tions. It can con­trol up to four robots on one pen­dant, offer­ing a wide range of flex­i­ble options. The strate­gic place­ment of oper­a­tor con­trols on the pen­dant allows the con­trol cab­i­net to be remote­ly mounted.The NXM100 is avail­able with small HP series robot models.

Motoman DX100 Con­troller:

Descrip­tion: The Motoman DX100 can con­trol up to 8 robots (72 axes) and has incred­i­bly fast pro­cess­ing speeds that result in high per­for­mances! It is an open com­mu­ni­ca­tion dynam­ic next-gen­er­a­tion con­troller with smooth inter­po­la­tion and open com­mu­ni­ca­tion. This DX100 also helps with floor-space sav­ings, is best-in-class for path plan­ning which helps decrease teach­ing time, and uses Advanced Robot Motion (ARM) con­trol. The Motoman DX100 offers up to 25% in ener­gy sav­ings and is pro­grammed through a light­weight, Win­dows CE col­or screen teach pen­dant. Fur­ther­more, the DX100 reduces the need for sep­a­rate PLC and HMI devices enabling sig­nif­i­cant cost sav­ings when inte­grat­ing a robot­ic work­cell. Fur­ther­more, there is a main­te­nance with a reduc­er sta­tus check func­tion to help enhance trou­bleshoot­ing and alarm recov­ery. Small­er DX-series con­troller options include the DXM100 or the upgrad­ed and pow­er­ful DX200

  • Dimen­sions: 8001000650
  • Mass (kg): 150 – 250
  • Pow­er: 3‑Phase, 240÷480÷575 VAC at 5060 Hz
  • Dig­i­tal I/O: 40 inputs, 40 out­puts expand­able to 2,048 inputs 2,048 outputs
  • Pro­gram Mem­o­ry: 200,000 steps and 10,000 instructions
  • Max­i­mum Axis Con­trol: Up to 76 Axes
  • Simul­ta­ne­ous Robot Con­trol: Up to 8 robots
  • Inter­face: Eth­er­net RS-232C
  • Pen­dant Dimen­sions (mm): 169314.550
  • Pen­dant Dis­play: 5.7‑inch col­or touch screen, 640480 VGA
  • Pen­dant Lan­guages: Eng­lish, Ger­man, Japan­ese, Span­ish, Chinese
  • Pen­dant Weight (kg): 0.998
  • Inter­face: One CF slot and one USB 1.1 port
  • Pen­dant O/S: Win­dows CE
  • Pro­gram­ming Lan­guage: INFORM III menu-dri­ven programming

Motoman DXM100 Controller:

Descrip­tion: Ide­al for stack­ing or place­ment under con­vey­ors, the com­pact Motoman DXM100 robot con­troller is a full-fea­tured con­troller in a much small­er cab­i­net. It offers all of the advan­tages of the DX100 con­troller, in a much small­er pack­age. The DXM100 is ide­al for use in appli­ca­tions that involve small pay­load mate­r­i­al han­dling or pal­letiz­ing. The DXM100 also includes high-speed pro­cess­ing, INFORM III pro­gram­ming, and four lev­els of pass­word pro­tec­tion. All oper­a­tor con­trols are locat­ed on the pen­dant, allow­ing for the remote mount­ing of the con­trol cab­i­net. This con­troller elim­i­nates the need for a sep­a­rate PLC, HMI, and pass­word pro­tec­tion hard­ware, cre­at­ing sig­nif­i­cant sav­ings at the sys­tem lev­el. For even more pro­tec­tion, there is a main­te­nance with a reduc­er sta­tus check func­tion to help enhance trou­bleshoot­ing and alarm recov­ery. Also worth check­ing out is a new and pow­er­ful con­troller that Motoman has recent­ly released, the DX200.

Motoman DX200 Con­troller:

Descrip­tion: The Motoman DX200 has proven core soft­ware that makes it a very pow­er­ful con­troller pro­vid­ing increased pro­duc­tiv­i­ty. It can han­dle up to 8 robots/​72 axes with coor­di­nat­ed motion between devices. The DX200 has a reduced foot­print with a stack-cab­i­net set­up allow­ing for addi­tion­al robot con­trol with elec­tron­ics. Fur­ther­more, this con­troller has ARM (Advanced Robot Motion) that gets best-in-class path plan­ning and dra­mat­i­cal­ly reduces teach­ing time. Fur­ther­more, this con­troller has high reli­a­bil­i­ty and ener­gy effi­cien­cy. There is less wiring, an improved inter­nal con­fig­u­ra­tion for eas­i­er main­te­nance, reduced Mean Time to Repair (MTTR), and ulti­mate­ly low­er inte­gra­tion costs. World-lead­ing func­tion­al safe­ty is also sup­port­ed via the DX200 to help with col­lab­o­ra­tive appli­ca­tion devel­op­ment and cer­ti­fi­ca­tion. This con­troller also has improved secu­ri­ty func­tions, such as veloc­i­ty lim­its, tool con­ver­sion sur­veil­lance, veloc­i­ty range restric­tions, size of work objects, and the robot dis­tance from the oper­a­tor. With a very light­weight pen­dant, this robot it user-friend­ly Win­dows® CE pro­gram­ming with a col­or touch screen with mul­ti­ple win­dow dis­play capability.

Motoman FS100 Con­troller:

Descrip­tion: The com­pact Motoman FS100 con­troller is a small, com­pact, and pow­er­ful option for your robot sys­tem. The FS100 is 2 – 4 times faster than the DX100 and is designed for robots with pay­loads of 20 kg and under. It can eas­i­ly han­dle high-speed and dis­crete oper­a­tions such as pack­ag­ing, assem­bly, and small parts han­dling oper­a­tions. There are also open soft­ware archi­tec­ture options that allow OEMs, machine builders, and sys­tem inte­gra­tors to devel­op cus­tom solu­tions. The FS 100 also has the option to be con­fig­ured alone or with anoth­er FS100 con­troller for more pow­er. It can be pro­grammed in Motoman’s INFORM lan­guage or in C++, C# uti­liz­ing our Moto­Plus SDK. Oth­er ben­e­fits include faster speeds than pre­vi­ous mod­els increas­ing your com­pa­ny’s prof­it mar­gins and help­ing the envi­ron­ment by using less energy.

Motoman YRC 1000 Con­troller:

Descrip­tion: One of the small­est robot con­trollers around, Motoman’s YRC 1000 is ready to impress with its high speeds, amaz­ing path accu­ra­cy, incred­i­ble effi­cien­cy, and amaz­ing flex­i­bil­i­ty. There is no trans­former Addi­tion­al­ly, it has glob­al stan­dard­iza­tion which means there is no trans­former required. Main­te­nance is also sim­pli­fied by offer­ing pre­ven­ta­tive main­te­nance infor­ma­tion and pow­er­ful soft­ware tools for analy­sis and noti­fi­ca­tion. This con­troller has been improved in a vari­ety of ways, such as increas­ing the speeds by low­er­ing a lad­der scan­ning time, and more pre­cise path accu­ra­cy and tra­jec­to­ry per­for­mance, inde­pen­dent of motion speed. The pro­gram­ming pen­dant is light­weight and easy to use by the oper­a­tor, it weighs a mere 730 grams. There is a smart­phone-like touch oper­a­tion on the inter­face, allow­ing the user to 3D sim­u­late robot motion before or dur­ing the exe­cu­tion of the real robot arm. Addi­tion­al­ly, the ser­vice staff can direct­ly con­nect to the user inter­face for remote ser­vice purposes.

Con­tact Robots​.com

Robots​.com rep­re­sen­ta­tives are ready to dis­cuss all of the Motoman con­troller options with you. Con­tact the experts online or at 8777626881.

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