Motoman MLX100 Controller

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Motoman Robot Controllers

Motoman MLX100 con­troller is able to pro­mote faster appli­ca­tion devel­op­ment and the inte­gra­tion of Motoman robots by work­ing with Rock­well Con­trol­Logix pro­gram. This uni­fied struc­ture is user-friend­ly through sin­gle pro­gram­ming inter­face and it is wide­ly accept­ed, which makes the train­ing and learn­ing process much eas­i­er. The dri­ves are pan­el mount­ed thus allow­ing for easy assem­bly in the main con­trol cab­i­net and a very effi­cient use of floor space. 

The sin­gle MLX100 can con­trol and pro­gram up to 2 robots in the same work­cell and con­sists of com­plete robot kine­mat­ics solu­tion for coor­di­nat­ed motion of 4‑, 5‑, 6- and 7‑axis. The Rock­well plat­form also helps to ease any trou­bleshoot­ing or main­te­nance. Addi­tion­al sim­u­la­tion and devel­op­ment soft­ware pack­ages are avail­able to pair with the MLX100 from Motoman.

There are a vari­ety of mate­r­i­al han­dling robots the MLX100 can pair with, includ­ing pick­ing, pack­ing, assem­bly, and pal­letiz­ing appli­ca­tions. Some of these mod­els include the MH5S, the MH5LS, the SIA20D, the MPK50, the MPL80, the MPL300, and many more. 

Also, be sure to check out the new, improved, and upgrad­ed mod­el of this con­troller, the MLX200.

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1216 Heil Quaker Blvd
La Vergne, TN 37086