Reinventing Automotive Assembly with Robots

Nov 23, 2023

On the automotive assembly line, industrial robots perform faster and cheaper making them a better choice for manufacturers. The automotive assembly robots can be fitted with vision, making them more precise and create a more consistent product.


The Grow­ing Dom­i­nance of Assem­bly Robots in Auto­mo­tive Manufacturing

One of the most com­mon indus­tries to use assem­bly robots is the auto­mo­tive indus­try. With all the parts, large and small, that go into the pro­duc­tion of an auto­mo­bile, assem­bly robots seem to be the per­fect fit.

Pre­ci­sion and Intel­li­gence: The Core of Robot­ic Assembly

The assem­bly of auto­mo­biles and oth­er vehi­cles demands high lev­els of accu­ra­cy and pre­ci­sion. Giv­en the com­plex­i­ty of mod­ern vehi­cles, which incor­po­rate advanced elec­tron­ics and safe­ty fea­tures, the intel­li­gence and steady pre­ci­sion of robot­ic assem­blers are more than just ben­e­fi­cial – they’re becom­ing essential.

Why Assem­bly Robots are Trans­form­ing Car Manufacturing

Because the assem­bly of auto­mo­biles, as well as oth­er vehi­cles, is a process that requires accu­ra­cy and pre­ci­sion, the intel­li­gence and steady hand” of robot­ic assem­blers are almost a neces­si­ty these days. As vehi­cles become more com­plex and include more elec­tron­ics and safe­ty mea­sures, assem­bly robots are relied on heav­i­ly for run­ning appli­ca­tions for the major and minor components.

Why are assem­bly robots – along with paint­ing, dis­pens­ing, seal­ing, and weld­ing robots – invad­ing every car man­u­fac­tur­er world­wide? The answer is sim­ple: Assem­bly robots per­form faster and cheap­er than pre­vi­ous man­u­al assem­bly appli­ca­tions, mak­ing them a more attrac­tive, and pos­si­bly all-around bet­ter, choice for manufacturers.

The Added Advan­tage of Vision Technology

Now that these assem­bly robot­ic sys­tems can also be out­fit­ted with vision tech­nol­o­gy, allow­ing the robot to see, the choice of man­u­al or robot­ic assem­bly is almost a giv­en. These robot­ic assem­blers will not only assem­ble an auto­mo­bile, but they can also inspect their own work, cut­ting down on work­er error.

Case Study: Ford’s Pre­ci­sion Robot­ic Assembly

It is said that Ford, one com­pa­ny that has moved to robot­ic assem­bly, put their 2013 Ford Escape togeth­er in a more pre­cise fash­ion because of their group of vision assem­bly robots. This robot­ic assem­bly reduced gaps between vehi­cle parts, which decreased wind noise through­out the vehi­cle. One Ford engi­neer claimed that robot­ic assem­bly gave the vehi­cles a cus­tom-like build” because of the assem­bly precision.

Robots​.com: Your Part­ner in Auto­mo­tive Assem­bly Automation

Think­ing about intro­duc­ing robot­ic assem­bly automa­tion into your plant, or pos­si­bly upgrad­ing your exist­ing sys­tem? Robots​.com is here to help!

Cus­tomized Robot­ic Solu­tions from Indus­try Leaders

Robots​.com pro­vides solu­tions from many robot­ic com­pa­nies, includ­ing Fanuc, KUKA, Uni­ver­sal Robots, ABB and Motoman. With a com­pa­ny like Robots​.com, you will get a cus­tomized new or refur­bished sys­tem that is built to your application’s exact specifications.

For more infor­ma­tion about automat­ing your assem­bly process with Robots​.com, con­tact us today at 8777626881.

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