Robotics for Viking Range – Greenwood, Mississippi

Aug 3, 2015

Viking Range produces cooking, refrigeration, wine cellar, and outdoor appliances. They recently reached out to robotWorx to help integrate automation on their production line. Viking Range purchased a Fanuc R-2000iB/165F robot with a Fanuc R-30iA controller. Viking Range said they were extremely happy with the customer service and robotic system they received from as these robots are now increasing their productivity, consistency, and reliability.


Viking Range is a com­pa­ny that has been around since the 1980s and man­u­fac­tures a vari­ety of kitchen appli­ances for both the com­mer­cial and home mar­kets. Their prod­ucts include cook­ing appli­ances, refrig­er­a­tion appli­ances, wine cel­lars, out­door appli­ances, and more. Recent­ly, they approached Robots​.com to add to their company’s shop automa­tion.

Viking Range has pur­chased a Fanuc robot from Robots​.com in the past and decid­ed to go with Robots​.com again when they want­ed to make their next Fanuc pur­chase. The com­pa­ny decid­ed on a Fanuc R‑2000iB/​165F with a Fanuc R‑30iA con­troller. Accord­ing to Sam Pig­ott of Viking Range, the process was easy and the peo­ple at Robots​.com were very friend­ly and helpful. 

I have pur­chased two robots in the past 18 months from Robots​.com, and have noth­ing but good things to say,” stat­ed Pig­ott. They have pro­vid­ed top qual­i­ty recon­di­tioned robots at a rea­son­able price and have a very knowl­edge­able staff and sup­port team.” 

Pig­ott stat­ed that the Fanuc R‑2000iB/​165F has increased pro­duc­tiv­i­ty dras­ti­cal­ly for Viking Range, and that the robot has giv­en the com­pa­ny con­sis­ten­cy and reli­a­bil­i­ty in the process. 

I would rec­om­mend Robots​.com for anyone’s next indus­tri­al robot project,” Pig­ott stated. 

Are you inter­est­ed in get­ting the same stan­dard of excel­lence for prod­ucts and cus­tomer ser­vice as Viking Range? Then you should give Robots​.com a call. Robots​.com is a robot­ics inte­gra­tor that offers cus­tomers a wide range of new and recon­di­tioned robot sys­tems and work cells from com­pa­nies like KUKA, Motoman, Fanuc, Uni­ver­sal Robots, and ABB.

For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact Robots​.com today online or at 8777626881.

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