Servo-Driven Robots: It’s all about the motion

Jul 29, 2013

Servo-driven robots can control motion better and increase the production process. the servo-drive can get specific commands, increasing the speed and direct force of movement. This enables a a better, more precise product to be produced.


Robot­ic arms require motors that help them to move. Some­times robots are ser­vo-dri­ven, mean­ing a ser­vo-dri­ve con­trols those motors.

Being able to con­trol robot motion is very impor­tant. Ser­vo-dri­ven robots are able to con­trol that motion bet­ter than AC or DC motors. While all of these will help the robot to move and oper­ate, the ser­vo-dri­ven robot­ic sys­tem will also get feed­back from the robot in case of an issue with the motion.

When a ser­vo-dri­ven robot is pro­grammed, the ser­vo-dri­ve will receive a com­mand sig­nal from the con­troller. The ser­vo-dri­ve then reads the sig­nal and sends it to the ser­vo-motors locat­ed on the robot. Usu­al­ly, these com­mands will have to do with speed and force of movement.

As stat­ed above, these ser­vo-motors then send feed­back to the ser­vo-dri­ve, let­ting it know if every­thing is on track, or if there was unwant­ed motion dur­ing the cycle. These dri­ves also ensure the accu­ra­cy of the robot, mak­ing it attrac­tive to appli­ca­tions that need pin­point accu­ra­cy and precision.

Also, robot­ic ser­vo-dri­ven sys­tems are bet­ter when the robot has to change speed con­stant­ly, like when the robot is per­form­ing sev­er­al dif­fer­ent appli­ca­tions. These ser­vo-dri­ves will actu­al­ly hold up bet­ter than the tra­di­tion­al motors in the long run, with a bet­ter life cycle.

Ser­vo-dri­ves are found in robots, but they are also used in oth­er types of fac­to­ry automa­tion and CNC machining.

Robots​.com, a cer­ti­fied inte­gra­tor for Fanuc, Motoman, ABB, Uni­ver­sal Robots, and KUKA, has sev­er­al robots avail­able with ser­vo-dri­ves. These robots are quick and pre­cise, and are able to be built as part of the motors or sep­a­rate from them.

Our high­ly-skilled staff at Robots​.com will help you decide if ser­vo-dri­ven robots are right for your facility’s automa­tion. For more infor­ma­tion on how Robots​.com can help, con­tact us today online or at 8777626881.

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