Shield gases: Protecting one robotic weld at a time

Apr 29, 2013

There are variety of ways and forms to complete arc welding tasks, one way is adding protection with shield gases. Deciding on the correct shield gas is important depending on your application's needs.


Robot­ic weld­ing takes on many forms, includ­ing gas met­al arc weld­ing and gas tung­sten arc weld­ing, bet­ter known as MIG and TIG weld­ing, respec­tive­ly. While the robot­ic weld­ing process has many steps and requires dif­fer­ent pieces of equip­ment — robot arm, weld­ing gun, filler, etc. – one of the most impor­tant things is the shield­ing gas, the mate­r­i­al that pro­tects the area dur­ing the weld­ing process.

Shield gas­es can be inert gas­es like heli­um and argon, or semi-inert gas­es like car­bon diox­ide, oxy­gen, nitro­gen and hydro­gen. These gas­es, in large quan­ti­ties could have dam­ag­ing prop­er­ties, but in small quan­ti­ties, they can enhance robot­ic welds.

How­ev­er, shield­ing gas choice depends on the type of met­al used in a robot­ic weld­ing appli­ca­tion. If a robot­ic weld­ing cell is using the wrong shield­ing gas, it can lead to a weak weld or large amounts of spat­ter, which can decrease productivity.

Used cor­rect­ly, these gas­es can pro­tect the weld­ing area so the robot­ic weld cell pro­duces out­stand­ing welds, even when the welds are repet­i­tive or need mul­ti­ple positions.

Robots​.com pro­vides robots from Fanuc, KUKA, ABB, Uni­ver­sal Robots, and Motoman robot­ic welders, can help your com­pa­ny begin the jour­ney to automa­tion with weld­ing robot­ics. The engi­neers and design­ers at Robots​.com can make sure your com­pa­ny has all the cor­rect equip­ment, includ­ing shield­ing gas, need­ed to cre­ate strong, high-qual­i­ty welds.

To learn more about the cus­tomiz­able robot­ic weld cells Robots​.com has to offer, con­tact a sales­per­son at 8777626881 today. 

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