The future of the meat industry and industrial robot arms

Jul 15, 2013

The meat industry is benefiting form integrating robotic systems onto their production line. The industrial robot arms able able to increase productivity in meat-process plants and also provide a higher level of worker safety.


When think­ing about ways that indus­tri­al robot arms are used, the meat indus­try may not spring to mind. Most like­ly, peo­ple think first of auto­mo­tive or elec­tron­ics man­u­fac­tur­ing. How­ev­er, the meat indus­try is cur­rent­ly using indus­tri­al robot­ic arms, and is plan­ning to inte­grate even more automa­tion in the near future.

Many of these indus­tri­al robot arms are in meat-pro­cess­ing plants and are used to carve up ani­mal car­cass­es. For exam­ple, Jarvis is a hoof cut­ting robot. This Motoman 50kg robot arm has a vision sys­tem and cut­ting blades to auto­mat­i­cal­ly cut hooves off of beef car­cass­es that come in to be processed. Accord­ing to a report from Marel Food Sys­tems, this sys­tem has been in most major meat-pro­cess­ing plants since late 2007.

Anoth­er indus­tri­al robot arm is used to scribe bee, a job that is not only tedious and demand­ing, but can also be haz­ardous to humans, and requires extreme accu­ra­cy. The Beef Scriber is an indus­tri­al robot arm that is fit with a tung­sten tipped cir­cu­lar saw and 3D laser sensors.

The plan of the indus­try is to make these kinds of robot­ic indus­tri­al arms more avail­able to small­er mar­kets, and make them more uni­ver­sal for meat processing.

While this process is high­ly auto­mat­ed already, the meat indus­try would like to fur­ther auto­mate their sys­tem, and is cur­rent­ly devis­ing lean­er, more effi­cient ways to break down and debone var­i­ous ani­mal carcasses.

Robots​.com, a cer­ti­fied inte­gra­tor of Fanuc, Motoman, Uni­ver­sal Robots, ABB, and KUKA robot­ics, has sev­er­al indus­tri­al robot arms avail­able for cus­tomiza­tion and pur­chase. Many of the mod­els avail­able are food-grade and able to work in meat-pro­cess­ing and oth­er food and agri­cul­tur­al industries.

If you are look­ing to auto­mate any of your industry’s han­dling or removal process­es, con­tact Robots​.com today online or at 8777626881.

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