The “Intelligent” Controller – the new KUKA KR C4 Controllers

Jun 25, 2013

The KUKA KR C4 controller brings power, intelligence, safety, and versatility to the automation game. The KR C4 is very simple to use, maintain, and control, enabling an easier set up time for the robotic systems.

While the new KUKA con­troller may sound explo­sive with a name like C4,” this robot con­troller is any­thing but dangerous.

The KR C4 is the newest KUKA con­troller, and the com­pa­ny boasts that this con­troller has more pow­er, intel­li­gence, safe­ty and flex­i­bil­i­ty than any­thing in the past. This mod­el also brings down automa­tion costs, along with costs for main­te­nance and servicing.

KUKA KR C4 Robot Controller

KUKA has inte­grat­ed Safe­ty, Robot, Motion,Logic and Process­Con­trol into a joint infra­struc­ture so the con­trollers can share data.

By com­bin­ing these aspects and scal­ing back the design, KUKA robot­ics has been able to offer this robot con­troller at a sav­ings to the cus­tomer, reduc­ing the cus­tomers’ ini­tial invest­ment and increas­ing the man­u­fac­tur­ers’ revenue.

The KUKA KR C4 con­troller is also sim­ple to lay­out, oper­ate and main­tain, mak­ing it more user-friend­ly for the cus­tomer. By mak­ing the inter­face more user-friend­ly, man­u­fac­tur­ers are going to save mon­ey and time on the amount of train­ing their employ­ees need before using the robot­ic controller.

This con­troller is also avail­able in a com­pact edi­tion for even more space sav­ing abil­i­ty. The KR C4 Com­pact is anoth­er mod­el that is designed for low main­te­nance, and it also runs qui­et­ly due to the tem­per­a­ture-con­trolled fans.

Along with all the oth­er fea­tures in these intel­li­gent, com­pact, user-friend­ly robot con­troller mod­els, they are also envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly. The KR-C4 and KR-C4 Com­pact are ener­gy effi­cient, reduc­ing ener­gy con­sump­tion by 95 per­cent in stand­by mode.

Robots​.com offers new and refur­bished robots and robot­ic con­trollers for sev­er­al dif­fer­ent appli­ca­tions. Robots​.com will work with cus­tomers to design the right sys­tem to fit their unique needs.

For more infor­ma­tion on avail­able KUKA robot con­trollers, con­tact Robots​.com at 8777626881 or online.

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