The Motoman MPX3500 Brings Stellar Performance to Painting Applications

Jun 28, 2017

The six-axis Motoman MPX3500 robot helps to increase the productivity and work envelope of your production line. The MPX3500 offers a long reach, up to 2,700mm and can work with nearly any size or shape, improving the flexibility and overall versatility of your production line. The MPX3500 by Motoman will truly bring stellar performance and help to improve the finish in your painting and coating applications.

Motoman MPX3500 Robot

If you are in search of a flex­i­ble and com­pact robot­ic design for your pro­duc­tion line, than look no far­ther than the six-axis Motoman MPX3500 robot. This robot has a 2,700 mm hor­i­zon­tal reach and 0.15 mm repeata­bil­i­ty. It can work with near­ly any size and/​or shape to include recessed, curved, or con­toured sur­faces. The MPX3500 will bring you stel­lar per­for­mance and increased effi­cien­cy with its smooth, con­sis­tent fin­ish in paint­ing and coat­ing applications.

A vari­ety of mount­ing options allow you to stay flex­i­ble with your work-space lay­out; this robot can be floor, wall, or ceil­ing mount­ed. The hol­low wrist design offers a large, 70 mm, diam­e­ter to help accom­mo­date the mount­ing of spray equip­ment with appli­ca­tors with large hose bun­dles. The MPX3500 was also designed to avoid inter­fer­ence between the hoses and parts/​fixtures to fur­ther enhance cycle time, robot reach, and also part access.

Also, valu­able floor-space can be saved as the L‑axis of the MPX3500 is designed with no off­set. This helps instal­la­tion of the manip­u­la­tor close to a work-piece and high­er den­si­ty robot spacing.

The Motoman MPX 3500 is paired with the DX200-FM con­troller. The DX200-FM con­troller has appli­ca­tion-spe­cif­ic soft­ware for paint appli­ca­tions and coor­di­nates oper­a­tion of the robot and paint­ing devices. This includes spray gun, col­or chang­er, and gear pump. Both the robot and con­troller can be used in Class 1, Divi­sion 1 haz­ardous environments.

The DX200-FM con­troller is also avail­able with Cat­e­go­ry 3 Per­for­mance Lev­el d (PLd) Func­tion­al Safe­ty Unit (FSU) to help sup­port safe­ty-rat­ed speed con­trol, safe­ty-rat­ed soft axis and space lim­it­ing, and safe­ty-rat­ed mon­i­tor stop. All of this and more can help save costs and reduce the floor-space requirements.

Inter­est­ed in automat­ing your paint­ing or coat­ing oper­a­tion with a Motoman MPX3500? Robots​.com is here to help. Our high­ly-trained staff can assist you in decid­ing which robot is best for your appli­ca­tion needs. They can also help you design your pro­duc­tion line and cre­ate cus­tomized workcells. 

For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact Robots​.com at 8777626881 or con­tact us here.

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