The Robot Market: Fanuc Robotics

Jun 20, 2013

Fanuc robotics is a leading robotics company, creating innovative and top of the line robotic arms for production lines across the globe. Fanuc creates industrial robots for a variety of industries and applications, such as aerospace, alternative energy, and automotive companies.


Fanuc Robot­ics, a lead­ing robot­ics com­pa­ny, was found­ed in 1972 and has been crank­ing out new and inno­v­a­tive robot mod­els ever since.

Fanuc, like oth­er robot­ics com­pa­nies in the indus­try, has robots for many dif­fer­ent indus­tries, like the aero­space, alter­na­tive ener­gy, auto­mo­tive, con­sumer goods, food and bev­er­age and plas­tics indus­tries, along with a num­ber of others.

This company’s robots have sev­er­al dif­fer­ent pay­load capa­bil­i­ties from 0.5kg to 1,350kg. Some of the more pop­u­lar mod­els avail­able through Fanuc are the ARC Mate 100iC, the LR Mate 200iC, the M‑1iA, the M‑710iC and the R‑2000iB. These robots cov­er appli­ca­tions from weld­ing to mate­r­i­al han­dling to mate­r­i­al removal.

The ARC Mate 100iC is per­fect­ly suit­ed for weld­ing and cut­ting appli­ca­tions. It moves over 15 per­cent quick­er than most robots in its class. The robot­ic com­pa­ny offers this robot in longer and short­er arm ver­sions to meet the customer’s needs.

If you’re look­ing for mate­r­i­al han­dling or mate­r­i­al removal robots, the Fanuc Robot­ics com­pa­ny offers the LR Mate 200iC, the M‑1iA, the M‑710iC and the R‑2000iB. While the LR Mate 200iC and the M‑1iA are small­er, table­top robots, the M‑710iC and the R‑2000iB are larg­er than a human, and are made for mov­ing heav­ier payloads.

For the super heavy pay­loads, Fanuc Robot­ics offers the M‑2000iA, which has a wrist capac­i­ty of up to 1350kg. There are two mod­els avail­able, one that offers that super-heavy pay­load capac­i­ty, while the oth­er sac­ri­fices the pay­load for an extra-long reach.

Fanuc is one of the many robot­ics com­pa­nies that works in part­ner­ship with Robots​.com, an inte­gra­tor of new and refur­bished robot­ic arms and sys­tems. Robots​.com offers cus­tomers cus­tomized Fanuc robots and work­cells that meet their specifications.

For more infor­ma­tion about Fanuc robots avail­able through Robots​.com, con­tact us today online or at 8777626881.

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