Tires, Aluminum and Wire – Oh My! Industrial Robotics in Akron

Oct 28, 2013

Akron, Ohio is another city that has integrated robots onto their production lines. Robotics is helping these companies thrive and stay competitive in the marketplace. One example is Goodyear using robots to help handle tires.


Anoth­er city locat­ed in the North­east cor­ner of Ohio’s por­tion of the Rust Belt is Akron, Ohio. Like Youngstown, Akron was once a mec­ca of indus­try. Though some of the indus­tries are gone, oth­ers are still thriv­ing using robot­ic tech­nol­o­gy to stay com­pet­i­tive in the marketplace.

Akron is home to the glob­al head­quar­ters of one of the largest tire com­pa­nies in the world, Goodyear Tires. Com­pa­nies like Goodyear ben­e­fit from robot­ic automa­tion when it comes to the han­dling of their prod­ucts. With robots to move and pal­letize the tires, the strain is tak­en off human work­ers. Also, since tires must under­go a process called green tire spray­ing, robot­ic sprayers can con­trol the flow of spray, while coat­ing the tire even­ly and using less spray.

But, auto­mat­ed robots are not just for huge com­pa­nies like Goodyear. They are also for small and medi­um sized com­pa­nies. Com­pa­nies like Qual­i­ty Mold, Inc. also have an Akron, Ohio base for their alu­minum smelt­ing and refin­ing ser­vices. Com­pa­nies of this nature can use robot­ics to deal with high tem­per­a­tures that may be dif­fi­cult for humans to han­dle, while also speed­ing up their production.

There are also com­pa­nies in Akron, OH like Bekaert that spe­cial­ize in process­es like steel wire trans­for­ma­tion and coat­ing. Like the spray­ing tech­nol­o­gy, robot coaters can save man­u­fac­tur­ers mon­ey by using less prod­uct and even­ly coat­ing each prod­uct for a con­sis­tent fin­ish. Robots can also be used in wire trans­for­ma­tion for cut­ting, shap­ing, assem­bling and even weld­ing when necessary.

So, where can Akron com­pa­nies ful­fill their automa­tion needs? At Robots​.com, of course! Robots​.com, based in Mar­i­on, Ohio, is an inte­gra­tor for com­pa­nies like Fanuc, ABB, KUKA, Uni­ver­sal Robots, and Motoman robot­ics. Through those part­ner­ships, our com­pa­ny has access to hun­dreds of robot mod­els that will fit all your robot­ic sys­tem needs.

For more infor­ma­tion on inte­grat­ing robot­ics into your facil­i­ty, call Robots​.com today online or at 8777626881.

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