Top Loading Packaging Robot

Jul 30, 2013

When packaging robots are top loaders, it is able to save manufacturers floor space. Furthermore, packaging robots help to package from different angles and vantage points. Top loading packaging robots use conveyor tacking and vision tracking and vision technology.


When pack­ag­ing robots do their prod­uct load­ing from the top, they save valu­able floor space. They also have a prime van­tage point to com­plete the pack­ag­ing. Top load­ing pack­ag­ing robots use con­vey­or track­ing and vision tech­nol­o­gy to pro­vide reli­able pack­ag­ing processes.

ABB offers end-of-line pack­ing sys­tems that pro­mote flex­i­bil­i­ty in top-load­ing process­es. Their machines are ide­al for phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal pack­ag­ing, and fea­ture inte­grat­ed robots with a sim­ple oper­a­tor inter­face. ABB’s IRB 260 mod­el is a top loader designed pri­mar­i­ly for pack­ing appli­ca­tions. It fits into com­pact pack­ing machines, but can still meet reach and pay­load require­ments. It has fast cycle times and best-in-class accu­ra­cy. It is durable and versatile.

Bren­ton devel­oped the new Ban­tam­Pro ELS top load case pack­er with avail­abil­i­ty for con­tract pack­ers, and spe­cial­ty prod­uct mak­ers. It is capa­ble of per­form­ing mul­ti­ple pack­ag­ing oper­a­tions, like case erect­ing, case load­ing, and case seal­ing. Depend­ing on desired cycle rates and pay­load capac­i­ties, inter­change­able robot mod­ules are available.

Bosch offers the Presto Dual Col­lat­ing Top Loader for a wide range of robot­ic pack­ag­ing appli­ca­tions. It places prod­ucts into car­tons, cas­es, box­es, or trays, with a flat or on-edge ori­en­ta­tion. The design is user-friend­ly and reli­able. Anoth­er mod­el by Bosch is the Palo­ma Top Load Robot, which places any prod­uct into car­tons, box­es, or cas­es, regard­less of size. It is a high­ly ver­sa­tile pack­ag­ing robot, equipped with Delta Robot tech­nol­o­gy for con­tin­u­ous prod­uct motion.

Cer­mex offers the AN Top Load­ing Gantry Pack­er, which is a pick and place pack­ing robot with wide flex­i­bil­i­ty in pack­ing move­ments. This mod­el offers prod­uct pro­tec­tion due to its grip­ping tool­ing. It has a pay­load range from 20 – 120 kg and can com­plete 14 cycles per minute. No mat­ter the pack­ing require­ment, this mod­el can han­dle it.

Fanuc, Motoman, ABB, and KUKA also offer top load­ing pack­ag­ing robots with a large vari­ety of pay­loads and reach. Robots​.com rep­re­sen­ta­tives can help you choose the best robot brand and spe­cif­ic robot to fit your top-load­ing needs. Con­tact us today online or call 8777626881.

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