Top of the Line: Fanuc Deburring Robots

Nov 30, 2023

Fanuc has been in the robotic industry for years, so it is no surprise that they are creating best in class robots such as the LR Mate 200iC robot. The LR Mate 200iC by Fanuc can locate and deburr a part using the optional iRVision and an FS-10iA Force Sensor. Furthermore, the Fanuc 200iC has a great wrist load capacity, repeatability, work envelope, and speed.

Fanuc LR Mate 200iC: Best in Class for Pre­ci­sion and Efficiency

Best in class. That title was award­ed to Fanucs LR Mate 200iC robot, which can locate and deburr a part. T.I.E. Indus­tri­al proud­ly intro­duces the award-win­ning Fanuc LR Mate 200iC, a robot syn­ony­mous with excel­lence in locat­ing and debur­ring parts. Equipped with iRVi­sion and an FS-10iA Force Sen­sor, this robot is cel­e­brat­ed for its wrist load capac­i­ty, pre­ci­sion, exten­sive work enve­lope, and swift performance.

Fanuc iRVi­sion: Enhanced Accu­ra­cy in Part Orientation

iRVi­sion helps the robot not only locate a part, but also to deter­mine the ori­en­ta­tion of a part. It uses end-of-arm tool­ing to change the ori­en­ta­tion if nec­es­sary. Then, the Force Sen­sor is used to deburr the inside of the part. Small parts, new styles, and part mod­i­fi­ca­tions are no prob­lem for this six-axis robot; it quick­ly adapts to its work­ing con­di­tions. Always flex­i­ble, the LR Mate 200iC mod­el can be used in many dif­fer­ent indus­tries: elec­tron­ics, med­ical devices, food, met­als, plas­tics, and pack­aged and con­sumer goods. It can be mount­ed on the floor, on a table­top, and even inside machines. 

Fanuc M‑1iA: Com­pact Pow­er­house for Small Parts

The Fanuc M‑1iA is anoth­er six-axis robot (with a four-axis vari­a­tion) that picks and deburrs parts. While it spe­cial­izes in small parts, there is noth­ing small about the job it can per­form. This mod­el is light­weight and com­pact with the abil­i­ty to work in tight spaces. 

Fanuc M‑16iB: The Intel­li­gent Debur­ring Solution

The Fanuc M‑16iB robot uses vision to per­form intel­li­gent debur­ring. It is equipped with ROBOGU­IDE software’s debur­ring pro­gram using 3D CAD data. This mod­el boasts the abil­i­ty to accom­mo­date larg­er parts. It is top of its class for car­ry­ing a large and heavy payload.

Expand­ing Fanuc’s Debur­ring Capabilities

Oth­er Fanuc debur­ring robot mod­els include: Fanuc LR Mate 100iB, Fanuc M‑710i, and Fanuc R‑2000iA. The type of job that needs to be com­plet­ed will deter­mine the mod­el that should be used.

Enhanc­ing Automa­tion with ATI’s Flexdeburr

ATI Indus­tri­al Automation’s Flexde­burr robot brought options to Fanuc in regards to debur­ring cells. The system’s flex­i­bil­i­ty allowed Fanuc to improve the design of their auto­mat­ed work cell. With the per­for­mance of the Flexde­burr in the work cell, pro­duc­tiv­i­ty will increase by 35 – 40%.

Upgrade Your Pro­duc­tion with Fanuc Debur­ring Robots

T.I.E. Indus­tri­al offers an array of Fanuc debur­ring robots at com­pet­i­tive prices. To learn more about inte­grat­ing these state-of-the-art robots into your man­u­fac­tur­ing process­es, con­tact T.I.E. Indus­tri­al online or call us at 8777626881.

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