Versatile Workhorse Dual Workstations: The ArcWorld 200 and ArcWorld 500

May 27, 2017

The ArcWorld 200 and the ArcWorld 500 both bring efficiency to small and pedium sized part production lines. Both of these ArcWorld systems are also affordable and fully customizable based on your production needs. Contact today to decide if the ArcWorld 200 or 500 is right for your production line.

Motoman ArcWorld Workcell

If you are look­ing for a work­cell that can fear­less­ly con­queror small to medi­um sized parts or afford­able wire-to-weld solu­tions for medi­um-vol­ume pro­duc­tion runs, then either the Arc­World 200 or Arc­World 500 is the per­fect choice for you. They are ful­ly cus­tomiz­able and can han­dle parts up to 1 m in size and a pay­load up to 550 kg. 

The Arc­World 200: Designed for work­sta­tions with sta­tion­ary tool­ing or a tack table, the Arc­World 200 has ris­ers to help end users place their own tool­ing in the work­sta­tion. Each sta­tion accom­mo­dates an area of 600mm x 1,300 mm. 

The Arc­World 500: The Arc­World 500 includes an MHT185 posi­tion­er equipped with a Moto­Mount tool to help elim­i­nate the need for pre­cise align­ment of the head­stock and tail­stock. The MHT185 is rat­ed for 550 kg pay­load capac­i­ty at 50 mm cen­ter of grav­i­ty off­set and the robot and each posi­tion­er comes stan­dard with coor­di­nat­ed motion. Dow­el pins can be used in Moto­Mount to allow rapid and accu­rate change over between mul­ti­ple parts/​fixtures. The work sta­tions on the AW500 accom­mo­date a max­i­mum part size 1,000800 mm.

Both work sta­tions have a vari­ety of addi­tion­al ben­e­fits to bring to your pro­duc­tion line. 


These work­cells fea­ture a dual-sta­tion design that allows an oper­a­tor to load one work­sta­tion while a robot is ser­vic­ing the oth­er. This pro­vides a max­i­mum through­put as the sta­tions can con­stant­ly be weld­ing. Ulti­mate­ly this enables high­er vol­ume runs, high­er uptime, and over­all improve­ment of the speed and qual­i­ty. The AW200 and AW500 cell also enable a quick tool­ing change. 

Flex­i­ble Tooling

The AW200 and AW500 work­cells can be tooled for dif­fer­ent parts or used for sequen­tial oper­a­tions. The floor­space require­ments are very min­i­mal as they occu­py a typ­i­cal sin­gle-sta­tion space. These work­cells will arrive for a quick set­up and relo­ca­tion as they come to your facil­i­ty pre-assem­bled on a com­mon base.

There are a wide range of weld pack­ages avail­able to best suit your needs. For exam­ple, the AW200 and AW500 can be con­fig­ured with a high-speed six-axis MA1440 or a sev­en-axis VA1400II arc weld­ing robot.

Increase in Safe­ty and Cost Reduction

The AW200 and the AW500 both fea­ture a total safe­ty envi­ron­ment that com­plies with ANSI/RIA R15.06 – 2012 and rel­e­vant ISO and CSA safe­ty standards.

Each have a sim­ple, rugged, elec­tri­cal­ly dri­ven bar­ri­er door that has a two-sec­ond cycle time and an FSU (Func­tion­al Safe­ty Uni­ty) that reduces costs and com­plex­i­ty. It also offers an addi­tion­al lay­er of safe­guard­ing between two sta­tions as it pre­vents the head-stock at the cor­re­spond­ing work­sta­tion from mov­ing when the bar­ri­er door is open. 

Con­tact Robots​.com

Robots​.com rep­re­sen­ta­tives are proud of their cus­tomer ser­vice and ready to dis­cuss all of the dif­fer­ent work­cell options to best help your pro­duc­tion line. If you would like more infor­ma­tion on these work­cells, con­tact Robots​.com online or at 8777626881.

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