Jun 24, 2013

ROBOGUIDE is a program developed by Fanuc that creates a simulation using a virtual robot. The virtual robot in ROBOGUIDE is able to guarantee a high accuracy of the process before it is run in order to save manufacturers time and money.


ROBOGU­IDE, a robot sim­u­la­tor pro­gram devel­oped by Fanuc, hous­es a host of options for soft­ware prod­ucts. The sim­u­la­tion occurs by using a vir­tu­al robot. Both the robot’s move­ment and appli­ca­tion com­mands are sim­u­lat­ed with this pro­gram. Fanuc ensures a high­ly accu­rate sim­u­la­tion process when enlist­ing the help of ROBOGUIDE

The stan­dard software’s mod­el­ing func­tion was devel­oped with the aim to reduce time for mod­el­ing devices. CAD data can be import­ed to cre­ate the parts by the mod­el­ing func­tion. A large library allows the user to select and mod­i­fy the parts and dimen­sions nec­es­sary. ROBOGUIDE’s pro­gram func­tion allows the user to cre­ate the actu­al pro­gram via the same user inter­face as the Robot Teach Pen­dant. The lay­out func­tion can be changed either by numer­i­cal input or by mouse on a graph­ic screen. 

Some notable fea­tures of ROBOGU­IDE are the sim­ple cre­ation of lay­out for devices; even an inex­pe­ri­enced user should find the process easy. The pro­gram cre­ation uses an ani­ma­tion tool that allows for a quick and inex­pen­sive ver­i­fi­ca­tion of the robot appli­ca­tion sys­tems. Start-up and main­te­nance times are both great­ly reduced due to offline checking.

ROBOGU­IDE incor­po­rates many appli­ca­tion-spe­cif­ic tools into its soft­ware options. With Han­dling­PRO soft­ware, there is no need for a pro­to­type work cell set­up. This soft­ware allows users to sim­u­late a robot­ic process or study fea­si­bil­i­ty options for appli­ca­tions in a 3D space. Paint­PRO is a graph­i­cal offline pro­gram­ming tool for path teach and paint process devel­op­ment. Pal­let­PRO sim­u­la­tion soft­ware enables a user to com­plete­ly build, debug, and test a pal­letiz­ing or depal­letiz­ing appli­ca­tion offline. With Weld­PRO, users can sim­u­late the robot­ic arc weld­ing process in a 3D space. Spot­PRO does the same for spot weld­ing.

From the design to the con­fir­ma­tion process, ROBOGU­IDE makes it easy and cost-effec­tive to use offline pro­gram­ming for robot sim­u­la­tion. Robots​.com offers many dif­fer­ent types of robot­ic soft­ware sys­tems. If you would like to find out which one is best for your robot, con­tact us today at 8777626881.

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